Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark)

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Book: Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark) by Leslie Sansom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Sansom
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because I thought it might cause an
argument. Instead I just nodded and finished my dinner. After dinner, he talked
on his cell phone while I watched television in the den. I woke up just after
midnight with him carrying me to bed. We didn’t make love. I don’t think he
even touched me all night long.
    The next week or so things between us were the same. We made
chit chat about our days during dinner and then he engrossed himself in his work
until I fell asleep. I didn’t want it to be this way. Our relationship was fast
becoming mundane and predictable. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know
how to bring it up. He didn’t seem unhappy, but I knew he was. How could he not
be? He was used to doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He was used to
having women do what he wanted them to do. I thought the idea of a normal
relationship interested him, but the reality was very different.
    After my second week on the job and our second week of no
sex, I was over it. If he was going to act like a big baby and withhold sex
from me to punish me for having a job, then he needed to be a man and admit it.

Chapter Six
    I could see something was bothering
Norah. We were both running on the treadmills in my gym, but she wasn’t running
at her normal pace and her face looked more flush than usual. I finished my ten
miles and slowed to cool down. I grabbed my water bottle and started guzzling
it down while looking over at her. She usually kept up with me, but this
morning she wasn’t even trying. She was on mile four but looked like she was on
mile fifteen.
    “Norah, are you alright?” I panted. She slammed the stop
button, stepped off and leaned over to catch her breath. “Norah, what’s wrong?”
I walked over to her. She snapped up holding her side.
    “You’re what’s wrong!” she panted. “I have tried to be
patient with you getting use to me working, but this is ridiculous!” She held
her side tighter.
    “Norah, you don’t look so good. Maybe you should sit down.”
I reached out for her arm, and she slapped it away.
    “I don’t need your help!” She walked over to the bench and
took a seat. “I thought the only sex games you played took place in your
basement. If you don’t like me working, you should have just said that!” She
bent down and put her head on her knees.
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I think you
should drink some water, or lie down.” She snapped back up.
    “Don’t play dumb with me. I thought women were the only ones
that withheld sex when they didn’t get their way! Certainly not Dominate,
sexaholics like you!” Then she covered her mouth with one hand and held her
stomach with the other and looked as though she was dry heaving. I put my hand
on her forehead; she was burning up.
    “Norah, you have a fever. We need to get you in a cool
shower and in bed. I’m going to call the doctor.” I tried to help her up but
again she slapped my hand away.
    “Oh, I get it! Now when I’m covered in sweat and about to be
sick, you want to take a shower with me and get me in bed?”
    “We can talk about this nonsense later, Norah. Let me help
you, please!” As I reached out to grab her arm she vomited all over the floor,
barely missing my feet. I quickly picked her up and carried her upstairs to
clean her up. A process I had to keep starting over because she kept getting
sick all over herself and me. After finally managing some success with cleaning
her up, I put her in pajamas and laid her in our bed. Then I went back down
stairs to clean up the gym and call the doctor.
    “Rosa, I was going to clean that up. If she’s got something
contagious you shouldn’t expose yourself.” She was on her hands and knees
cleaning up the mess on the floor. She turned to face me and I saw she was
wearing a mask. She stuck out her finger and spouted off something to the effect
of that I needed to protect myself and worry about cleaning myself up. This was
part of her

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