
Read Online ClarenceBN by Sarah M. Anderson - Free Book Online

Book: ClarenceBN by Sarah M. Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah M. Anderson
she got thrown after blow jobs.  
    He was having a lot of trouble thinking straight, what with the sheer desire that had him on the brink. “Your jeans,” he heard himself say as if from a long distance away. “Take them off.”
    Her eyes still wide, she nodded. She stood and shimmied out of her jeans. He tried to honor her wishes and keep his gaze on her breasts—because they were really worth studying—but when she finally got out of her jeans and her panties, he couldn’t help but spread her before him.  
    Even though he was straining to be inside her, he pushed her legs open and touched her. He rubbed his thumb over her, listening as she sucked in little breaths.
    Oh, she was warm and ready for him. “So wet,” he murmured as he lowered his mouth back to her breasts, stroking against her tight little clit as he sucked her nipples.  
    She gasped and he thought she might put the brakes on again, but it wasn’t long before she was writhing underneath him as he went from rubbing her clit to stroking a finger inside her body. “I want you so bad,” he told her, because that was the truth and also because talking helped him hang onto the very last thread of his self-control.
    “Yes—oh, Clarence!” she moaned as he slipped two fingers inside of her.  
    Her nails dug into his shoulders as she said it, but he didn’t care. This was how he wanted her—full of need that only he could answer. “Yeah,” he whispered against her neck as he worked over her body. “You like that?”
    Her hips shifted as her inner muscles gripped his fingers. God, he though. This woman. His .
    “Now,” she gasped as he stroked in and out, learning her body’s rhythm.
    “Now?” Was she about to come or—
    “I need more, Clarence.” Her hips lifted. “I need you inside me— now !”
    The sound of her asking for what she wanted—yeah, he was ready for that . “Yes, Ma’am.”  
    He leaned back, rolled on the condom and fit his dick against her. Then he began to thrust. He tried to go slowly, but the feeling of her body engulfing his and her hands on his back and his name on her lips did something to his brain. The next thing he knew, he was plunging into her again and again, harder and faster, making her cry out, “Yes, oh, God—just like that, oh Clarence, yes ,” until her body tightened around his and she opened her eyes and met his gaze as she came and she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, just like that.
    She fell back panting and he buried himself deep inside her, feeling the waves of her climax pull his from his body until he came with a roar that he muffled against her neck.  
    He lay on top of her for a moment, too stunned to think, to speak—to do anything but just be in her arms.  
    “Stay with me, Tammy,” he murmured as he kissed her ear, her neck, her lips. “I want you to stay. Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.”
    She didn’t answer.
    Tammy lay under Clarence’s weight, trying to think straight and doing a really lousy job of it.
    The sex—God, the sex. She’d always liked it before but the way Clarence filled her?  
    Breathe. Breathe in, breathe out.
    Actually, that was kind of hard. He was heavy. But she didn’t want to break their connection, not just yet.  
    Except—except for the things he’d just said.  
    And even though she knew that Ezra was long gone and probably never coming back, she’d heard the promises that he’d made all those years ago, about how much he loved her and how he’d do whatever it took to make sure that they were together. Anything, he’d said.
    Anything but be a father, apparently.
    She didn’t want Clarence’s promises. She didn’t want to think about a future and whether or not he’d actually be a part of it, no matter what he said.
    She’d just wanted this moment. And she’d had it, briefly.
    “I can’t breathe,” she told him. It wasn’t just due to his weight.  
    “Sorry.” He rolled off her and stood. “Be right

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