Cherry Girl

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Book: Cherry Girl by Candy Dance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candy Dance
I wanted to get pregnant! That is why I am here.”
    Lisette could hear the breath hiss in Rider’s chest. “Lisette, look at me.” She turned her head while clutching her hands between her breasts as she looked up at Rider. He did not look furious. “Now let me get this straight, pudding. You went through all this just to get pregnant?”
    Lisette held back her huge sigh of relief as she nodded her head. Rider had called her pudding and that meant he was not furious with her. “Yes, Rider, just to get pregnant . . . at first.”
    “At first?” he asked watching her mouth closely.
    “At first I did. Still do. But now even if I didn’t, I would . . . well, miss,”
    “Miss what, darling?” Rider murmured.
    “You inside me,” Lisette blurted, quickly covering her hands over her face. It was so much harder being bold when you were, well . . . real!
    Rider chuckled, and then she felt his lips touching the back of her hands. “No one ever kissed my hands before, Lisette,” he murmured, kissing her hands again. “And I don’t know of anyone who would miss having me inside of them.” Lisette peeked through her fingers at him. “No real someone,” he added.
    “Oh, Rider,” she cried, breaking her hands apart to grab him around the neck. “I want to procreate so badly!” she exclaimed.
    Rider laughed as he pecked kisses onto her lips. “Is that a little like hot sweaty fucking, sweet thing?” he asked in a deeply rumbling voice.
    “Yes,” she sighed. “Hot and sweaty, and with a big, big pickle.”
    “Oh, shit,” Rider exclaimed, and then he burst out laughing with his lips inches from her lips.
    Lisette giggled, and while Rider was so happily engaged, she went in search of that pickle with her eager fingers.
    “Ahh . . .” Rider choked in mid-laugh the minute she found his long thick penis and she began to stroke it with her hand. “B-a-b-y,” he expelled with a drawn-out groan.
    Lisette was leaving nothing to chance this time as she scooted her rump down to the edge of the hood and closer to Rider’s waiting procreation rod. They would not be sidetracked this time with their mouths and with kissing penis' and pussy's. She intended to have Rider’s expansive penis inside her this time, and she was so excited at the thought she couldn’t wait as she fumbled around trying to fit the head to her waiting vagina.
    “Whoa, darling,” Rider muttered and his fingers folded over her fingers as she held onto the ample shaft and together they both held the hefty organ in their hands.
    “Don’t stop me,” she pouted, wrapping her boot heels behind his hips as she squirmed her hips, looking down between their bodies. There was a drop of seed in the slit of Rider’s penis and she wasn’t going to lose it this time. If only she could find the opening, she would shove it home. “Please, baby,” she begged, wriggling her fingers beneath Rider’s, trying to get him to position it right. Then she watched in anticipation as he did lift the head, but then he smeared it between her splayed pussy lips.
    “Ohh!” she squealed as though an electric shock had been discharged inside of her . . . and it felt like it too, deep in her vagina.
    “The med-log says that there are two kinds of orgasms for a woman, pudding,” Rider murmured as he rubbed the head of his penis over the inner folds of her pussy again and she squealed. “And you, sweet thing, are going to have both before I'm through with you.”
    Lisette completely forgot about the hurry to have Rider inside of her as they both guided the head of his penis up and down over her pussy. “ Oh, Rider,” she moaned as they both watched the flushed red head tickle her blond pubic curls, then reverse motion and slide back down again. Only this time Rider went lower and rubbed the head around the quivering opening of her vagina. “Oh hh,” she moaned as Rider chuckled.
    “Here it is, sweet thing. Your hot little cherry, just begging me.” Then he pushed a

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