Cherry Girl

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Book: Cherry Girl by Candy Dance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candy Dance
Then he was back again rubbing her clit and producing electric shocks deep in her pussy. “Please, baby, put it in me!” she cried looking back over her shoulder at him as she balanced on her toes and braced her elbows on the hood.
    “Here?” he uttered and he began to play his game again with just the head of his penis prodding the entrance to her vagina, and then withdrawing again.
    “Oh hh mmm!” she moaned dancing her buttocks backward, trying to catch more of him inside her.
    “ Christ , baby,” Rider groaned as he avidly watched her sexual gyrations.
    “Please,” she pleaded as he caught her hip and he steadied her with one hand, while his other hand guided the head of his penis forward again, and she begged, “ Stick it in my pussy, Rider! Please!” she screamed passionately as he inserted his penis inside her with a heavy thrust that raised her buttocks upward. “Yesss!” she mewled. “Oh! Oh!” she cried as he began to strongly thrust inside her.
    The new position changed something deep inside her and she moaned and cried out with each swift plunge that he took. The pleasure sparked higher and higher with each stroke, until she was wailing as he rocked her back and forth across the hood of the automobile. His big hands pushed and pulled her buttocks open and closed with each rapid thrust and the tightly spiraled sparks of pleasure in her sex burst into an explosion of pleasure that spread through her pussy and deeper inside her. “ Rider! ” she screamed, and still he pumped into her, gripping her buttocks tightly as he swung his hips faster.
    “Oh shit!” he cried, and then he bellowed, “Oh God, Lisette!” Lisette felt Rider's penis expand with a thumping motion inside her, then his penis thumped again, and again. “Oh God, baby,” he groaned.
    “Finally!” Lisette cried.
    Chapter Twelve
    Rider cupped his hand warmly over the delicious curve of Lisette’s bare left buttock as he guided her forward. She had her arms stretched out in front of her because of the blindfold she wore, and the elevation of her arms raised her naked breasts, pointing them forward. Her nipples were rosy-pink and the nips in their centers thrust outward like pointers guiding the way. Yummy. His gaze lowered to Lisette’s snatch as he continued to guide her forward. He could not keep his eyes off her pussy now that he’d shaved away the blond curls. Lisette’s pussy was bare with smooth pink flesh and a luscious long slit. When she was aroused, he could see the way the lips on the edges stained red. Like they were now.
    “Where are you taking your slave, Master?” Lisette asked with a nervous twinge in her voice.
    Rider grinned. They were playing Master and slave this evening, and boy, did he have a surprise for his sexy slave. This was their last evening together aboard the postal carrier and he intended to make it memorable. After he'd dumped the still unconscious Kid, along with his out-of-juice sexual cyborg, back into his postal carrier and hit the autopilot, sending it on its way, he and Lisette had five glorious weeks alone together.
    “Are you questioning your Master, slave?” he asked with an imperious tone, and then moderated his sternness by squeezing her lush buttock.
    “Oh,” Lisette squeaked at the groping. “No, Master,” she finished dutifully.
    Rider smiled as he stopped Lisette’s forward motion in front of the hatch he’d been heading for. Beyond the hatch was the low gravity cargo hold and he'd always fantasized about what sex would be like in low gravity. His gaze swept over Lisette’s nude body. Yummy. “You will trust your Master in all things, slave,” he said, then he dipped his mouth to Lisette’s ear, and he whispered, “I’ll be right here beside you, sweet thing.”
    Lisette had no idea where he was taking her and he watched her body shiver with goose bumps rising on the pink circles of her areolas as the tips of her nipples poked outward further. “Yes,

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