Halfway Perfect

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Book: Halfway Perfect by Julie Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Cross
frozen dead people in the future,” I say, totally joking, but of course Elliot takes it seriously.
    â€œNo, the human freezing theories always revolve around being frozen alive, not dead.”
    â€œWell, they were alive before they froze to death, right?”
    â€œHuh.” Elliot’s forehead scrunches up. “Well, that’s true…”
    The frozen body conversation goes on for a while longer until I finally finish my route and return to the ground.
    â€œI’ve got to do my real workout now. See you tomorrow?”
    It’s already evening by the time I get back to my shared apartment in SoHo. I’m looking forward to doing nothing but eating my take-out sushi, showering, and going straight to bed. Jason has tacked two more 11x13 photos of himself on the refrigerator. I debate making some modifications to the photo with a green Sharpie lying on the counter, but I don’t have the energy, and some people don’t have a sense of humor, unfortunately.
    After eating, I flop on my bed and pick up my latest Everest book.
    Then I remember something minor mentioned in my meeting with Wes this morning. Janessa Fields is the photographer for the CK shoot.
    I snatch my phone from the nightstand and search for Eve Nowakowski’s number and send her a text.
    ME : Are you by any chance working for Calvin Klein next week?
    EVE : Why? Are you?
    I feel a tiny surge of something that resembles excitement. She didn’t even hesitate to reply. She must have saved my name in her phone. But maybe she saves everyone’s name?
    ME : Yes. And so is Janessa Fields, so I thought…
    EVE : Well, at least I’ll have someone with a brain to talk to.
    ME : That’s a compliment, right?
    EVE : Sure.
    ME : Remember Finley Belton from the Seventeen shoot?
    EVE : The girl with a fortress. I remember.
    ME : She’s booked CK for two days as well. Another nice person to talk to.
    EVE : That’s good to know. Do you think Wes will be around at all?
    I sit on that question for several seconds, wanting to know whether this is a good or bad thing. Finally I decide to ask.
    ME : Is it bad if he is there?
    EVE : If by bad you mean awkward, anxiety-filled tension? Then yes.
    ME : Ok. I guess things didn’t end on good terms with the two of you?
    EVE : To be expected when you walk away from a huge Gucci campaign and leave your agency to take the blame.
    I don’t really want to discuss Eve Castle’s last days, and I doubt she wants to hash it out.
    ME : Want to talk about running instead?
    EVE : Lol. I thought maybe I scared you off with that running group invite.
    ME : The Hot College Girls’ Running Club? Nope. Not scared at all. Quite the opposite. I had to go to South America the other day and then I did a shoot for Macy’s. But I’m ready for your sales pitch now.
    EVE : Where do I begin? The really cool route? Or the “really hot college girls"?
    ME : All of it. I need all the details. And photos if you have any…
    EVE : LOL
    This could be an interesting week. Eve texting me and me having fake dates with my fake underage girlfriend. Maybe Wes is right about superstardom being in my future. I’m already acting like a real celebrity.

Chapter 7: Eve
    October 9, 4:30 a.m.
    New York City is the city that never sleeps. That’s a fact. However, at around four thirty in the morning, the city closes its eyes a bit just to rest them. There’s a stillness in the air that you can only feel in the wee hours of the morning.
    It takes two cups of coffee for me to get up at three thirty in order to aid the other photo assistants at Milk Studios rental office with gathering equipment before heading to the location.
    We finally pull up to the designated street right near where Seventeen shot the other day and across from Columbus Circle. After a bumpy ride in the back of a van, my head is spinning so bad that I’m nearly positive I’m going to puke from car

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