Cheat (Karma Inc. Book 1)

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Book: Cheat (Karma Inc. Book 1) by Gillian Zane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gillian Zane
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his dick through his jeans. I couldn’t have been happier to see the negative energy swirling around him like a swarm of mosquitos.
    I waited for him to go into the store before I popped all four of his tires with just a thought. Nails in the sidewall. Ouch. Those oversized tires were expensive too. What were the chances that all four tires got nails in them? Karma’s a bitch. Literally.
    I was on a roll today.

Chapter 12
The Whole Ten
    M y shift was easy tonight . The bar was crowded but I had gotten the hang of where everything was. I still stumbled when I got fancy drink orders, but I was enjoying myself.
    I watched as Bishop palmed a few more of his tips, and even failed to go to the register a few times. Every time the customer told him to keep the change, he kept the entire thing. Into his pocket it went. A six dollar beer with a four dollar tip was a nice push, but with Bishop pocketing the whole ten, it was even better for him.
    The owner must not log his stock. The drink prices were simple- domestic beers were priced at four dollars, imports at six, well drinks at five and premium liquors at seven. There was a limited amount of wine, only house, all priced at four a glass. You could do the math in your head easily if you were quick on your feet. The cash register was a cheap thing you could pick up at an office supply store, not the new touch screens that most of the bars were using. You rang up the order and were done with it. Monitoring the stock must not be a priority.
    It was ripe for theft and Bishop was taking full advantage of it. He didn’t have anyone flirting with him, or jockeying for his attention so he kept wandering to my side of the bar and making flirtatious comments along with the jokes. I had met his pregnant girlfriend the previous night and he thought I would be receptive to his attentions? I didn’t get men like him.
    I had a job to do though, so I played along. And I continued to play along. Not getting any closer to figuring out how I can dish out a bit of karma to him, without pushing him over the edge.
    I noticed there were cameras installed in the corner of the bar and on the dance floor.
    “Do those work?” I asked Bishop and he shook his head.
    “Something happened,” he said with a smirk. “An electrical short, or something like that.” His smirk told me he had been behind the equipment failure.
    “What if we get robbed or something?” I said nervously, pretending I didn’t catch on to his knowing smile.
    “Marshall is looking into getting them repaired,” he shrugged and went back to his side of the bar.
    “Ms. Hail,” a deep voice said, jolting me out of my study of the surveillance cameras.
    “D-drake, uh Mr. Greco,” I said, turning to find Drake Greco sitting at my bar, his hands folded in front of him. The women around him were eyeing him like he was a sizzling steak that they wanted to cut into. I saw a tiger ready to pounce and from his glare I knew I was the prey.
    What had Brandon gotten me into?
    “Can I get you something? I didn’t think this was your scene,” I joked.
    “Kensington’s on the rocks,” he ordered tightly.
    “Uh, yeah, I got Bombay and that’s pushing it,” I laughed nervously. Who comes to a neighborhood dive and orders a forty dollar gin?
    “Fine, I’ll take that. We need to talk, Ms. Hail,” he said as I made his high ball.
    “So, I’m assuming you didn’t just happen in here to wet your whistle.” The old phrase popped out of my mouth and I frowned around it.

Chapter 13
Wet My Whistle
    “ C ’mon Cassandra , I need to wet my whistle.” The girl pulled on my hand. I was tired and still in uniform. I had to change.
    “Wet your whistle?” I stalled, digging in my heels.
    “Yeah, my grandfather’s been saying that, I guess I picked up on it.” I looked at my friend, things had been strained lately since we had graduated college. Our paths were diverging. She had shown up at my door unexpected. All I wanted to do was go

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