The Inheritance: Anything He Craves
of self-satisfaction rushed
through her and her nervousness simmered slightly. The always
cocky, always confident Dean Samson was nervous? She liked the idea
that perhaps she wasn't alone in the stress she was feeling over
the reunion, and it helped ease her.
    Feeling a
moment of boldness, she stepped up to him, and ran her index finger
down the length of his upper arm. The muscle in his bicep rippled
under her touch. Damn, it was as sexy as hell and made her long to
see and touch more of him.
    Her eyes
shifted from his bicep back up to meet his heated grey eyes. "You
on the other hand; even sexier than I remember." She took her lower
lip between her teeth as she cringed inwardly, horrified at the
come-on line that came out of her mouth. But it was so true. It was
taking all of her restraint to keep from throwing herself into his
arms and begging him to find them a secluded spot so they could
explore each others bodies' further.
    While she was
still somewhat conservative sexually, she was no longer the shy
girl he once knew. She wondered briefly, if he could be the man who
brought her fully out of her shell, both emotionally and sexually.
    Dean stepped
back from her, but kept her hand in his as he began to guide them
from the llamas. "So a zoo huh?" He gave her a sly smile and a
wink. "Scared I might come on too strong and thought a public place
would keep me at bay?" he teased.
opened her mouth to reply, and then snapped it shut giving him a
sideways look, a saucy grin touching her lips. "Maybe I was looking
out for you."
    He gave her
hand a light squeeze. It felt good, comforting, her nervousness was
quickly melting away and it was beginning to feel more like old
times by the second. "Well yes. I didn't want you thinking I was
meeting you just for some wild and hot sex."
    Dean gave her
another once over. "Oh, I don't think I would have minded."
electricity sizzling between them was - intense.

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