Cheat (Karma Inc. Book 1)

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Book: Cheat (Karma Inc. Book 1) by Gillian Zane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gillian Zane
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was frustrated or scared, I cried. It was something I had battled with my entire life. I knew that.

Chapter 14
Why Ya Crying?
    “ W hy are you crying , recruit?” the sergeant yelled in my face. I wasn’t sobbing, I just couldn’t hold the big fat tears back. The tears that came when I was stressed over a test. The tears that came when my daddy had hidden us in the closet when my mother had drank too much. The tears that came when I had been forced to drop out of college because the money ran out.
    “Little college girl can’t hack it?”
    But I could. I could hack it. Yes, I cried. That didn’t make me weak. I dropped to my hands and managed to pump out another fifty push-ups. With each one I pictured my hands wrapped around the sergeant’s throat. The tears dried up.

    * * *
    “ C assidy , is this man bothering you?” Marshall’s head poked out of his office and I hurriedly wiped away the tears when Drake let go of my arm.
    “We’re not done here,” Drake warned but turned and walked away, leaving me alone in the hallway with Marshall.
    “Yes, we are!” I called after him, but he acted like he hadn't heard me.
    “Cassidy?” Marshall asked, concern in his voice.
    “It’s okay, Marshall, he just had a little bad news for me.” I ran my fingertips across my face to hide the tears.
    “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Cassidy. I hope it’s nothing major,” he said with sincerity.
    “No, nothing major, thanks Marshall.” The little man nodded and was about to shut the door when I called and stopped him.
    “Wait, can I ask you something?” He held the door open for me. I hadn’t known he had been back here. He must have showed up before my shift and had been working quietly.
    “The security system.” I nodded to the blank screens that took up a desk in the corner. “That’s weird that it doesn’t work. What’s wrong with it?”
    “I don’t know. I’ve been putting off calling the security company to fix it. Honestly, Cassidy, it’s been a tough couple of months. We’ve been down for a while now. I don’t know what the issue is, and I can’t afford to get these people back here to mess around with it. The initial installation cost me a fortune.”
    “You mind if I take a look at it? I’m good with electronics.” I moved toward the screens.
    “I don’t know? Are you sure, that’s expensive equipment?”
    “My daddy installs audio visual equipment. I used to help him during the summer. What can it hurt?” I said with a sweet smile and he caved.
    “Sure, sure, Cassidy. Let me go help Bishop at the bar then, while you try to fix it.” He looked at me skeptically. I didn’t know how he was taking me. He could be suspicious, but he nodded and went to leave. Before he closed the door, I had to give it a shot.
    “Thanks, Marshall. I’ll fix it, should be easy. But, can I give you some advice, just for the future?” He looked at me quizzically. “Don’t tell Bishop I’m fixing the cameras.” His eyes narrowed and he nodded again. The point was made. The man didn’t know me from Adam. He had to decide if he trusted me, a new employee, or his long time bartender. It would either backfire or work in my favor. I had my fingers crossed that it would work in my favor.
    When the door shut behind him, leaving me alone in his office, I went to the bank of terminals. I knew almost immediately what was wrong with the system. Not because of what I was now, but I had spoken the truth about my father. I had installed these systems a hundred times with my dad. A quick look at the computer the system was hooked to revealed that Marshall had saved all his passwords to a note called passwords and Bishop had easily accessed the system. Bishop had sabotaged the wireless system the cameras were hooked on. He had simply signed into the wireless system the cameras were running on and changed the key stroke for the login. The cameras weren’t finding the secure wireless router.
    With a quick overhaul I had

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