Charlotte (Marked Heart #2)

Read Online Charlotte (Marked Heart #2) by M. Sembera - Free Book Online

Book: Charlotte (Marked Heart #2) by M. Sembera Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Sembera
his arms around the woman and started kissing her wasn't Auggie. It was his brother Braden. Curious, she watched as the two of them dashed into the street before stopping in the middle of the road. Braden spun the woman around before they started making out. Smiling to herself, Charlotte thought that was sort of romantic. She couldn't help staring as Braden turned his back allowing her to hop on. He piggy-backed her a bit farther down the street before they reached what Charlotte assumed was the woman's house.
    Still shaking his head at Braden and Lily's inappropriate display of affection in the back seat of his truck, Auggie hoped his brother knew what he was doing fooling around with a married woman. Yea, she was separated because her muscle-head husband had beaten her up and gone to jail, but that didn't change the fact that she is married or that she left his brother to be with that steroid junkie in the first place. As he made his way to the kitchen and pulled a beer out of the fridge, there was a knock at his front door. Already thinking it was Braden, he was ready to say 'I told you so'.
    Opening the door, Auggie was confused. Not only by the sight of Charlotte , in tiny turquoise shorts and a black tank top, but by the instant enthusiasm he felt seeing her standing there.
    Appearing impatient, she blurted, "Can I come in?"
    "Who said what this time?" he griped, moving to the side allowing her to walk in.
    She stopped and looked at him before giving a slight laugh as she replied, "I'm sure lots of people are saying lots of things."
    Scowling at her as she set her purse on the floor and walked to his kitchen, he questioned, "Why are you here, Charlotte."
    Grabbing the six pack of Guinness with the bottle Auggie was holding missing from it, she headed back into the living room, answering, "I don't have a lot of options here and I'm tired of sitting around the house by myself with nothing to do."
    Somewhat appalled by the way she made herself at home in his house, he snapped, "What's that got to do with me?"
    "We're sorta stuck with each other while I'm here so why not make the most of it?" she replied, setting the beer on his coffee table.
    As he thought 'unbelievable' he honestly didn't know what to say.
    All he could do for the moment was watch her as she picked up a beer and walked back to her purse. When she bent over to rummage through it, Auggie just about lost his mind.
    Snapping him back to reality, Charlotte stood upright, announcing, "Got it," as she waved a bottle opener at him.
    Gritting his back teeth, Auggie fussed, "You got a lot of nerve walkin' in here makin' yourself at home."
    Giving him a look as if he was being silly, she said, "Oh please, I'm not wanting us to be best friends. I'm tired of having nothing to do. You don't even have to talk to me. Just do whatever you normally do and it's not going to hurt you one bit for me to be here."
    If she only kne w how increasingly painful it was for him, having her there.
    Pulling a bottle opener out of his back pocket, Auggie opened his beer . Before he could make his way over, Charlotte sat in his chair. With a loud frustrated exhale, he sat on his couch.
    "I know you don't like sitting next to me," she said, crossing one long leg over the other.
    "Yea," he mumbled, knowing his comfy oversized chair would smell like her when she left.
    They sat in silence for a few minutes before something occurred to Auggie.
    "Isn't your boyfriend going to wonder where you are?"
    "Nope," she said before tipping her bottle back and finishing her beer.
    "You might wanna slow down."
    With a lash fluttering eye roll, she shared, "I was planning on staying over."
    Charlotte leaned to the coffee table and replaced the bottle she pulled out of the six pack with her empty one, saying, "A responsible bartender wouldn't let me drive after drinking."
    "You can't expect me to let you stay here!"
    "You make it sound like I hired a moving van. I just tossed a toothbrush in my

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