Change For Me (Werewolf Romance) (The Alpha's Kiss)
made his way through the winding path and followed the orange flicker until he found where he was going. Sitting down, he watched Poko stroke the faded lines tattooed on his cheeks.
    “Sit,” he said. “Look at me.”
    Wordlessly, Damon did what he was told. He learned the first time he was brought here that questioning Poko was the quickest way to get hit on the back of the head with a board that he’d ever found.
    The cave was orange with the fire’s glow. Poko’s membranous, tanned skin pulled tight over his cheeks and around his eyes, but hung loose under his chin. He sat in this cave, and every time Damon had ever come, he’d been waiting for him.
    I wonder if he ever leaves? Or eats?
    A smile drifted across Poko’s lips, then vanished with the next lick of flame on the rocks near his feet. His eyes remained closed, which made Damon feel at least a little at peace. As much as he looked up to the old man, those eyes, they did things to Damon he didn’t like.
    “You’re here about the,” Poko drifted and turned his head to one side, listening to something Damon couldn’t hear. “Ah, yes, that.” He chuckled softly. “That’s why they always come at first. This one is different though. He’ll make it.”
    “Quiet,” Poko whispered. “I’m listening to wiser souls than mine. If you want to interrupt them, keep on chattering. Otherwise,” he flattened his palms against the floor of the cave, pushing a bit of straw nearer the fire. “Good.”
    Poko turned his head back and forth, leaning each way in time with a rhythm only he could hear.
    “You’ve been fighting,” he finally said. “Do you know this?”
    “I – what? I don’t remember anything, that’s why I’m here. I think. I don’t know why I’m here actually, I just got the feeling I should be.”
    Poko bounced with a dry, rattling laugh. “I remember.  Yes, I remember not remembering. Not knowing why I would wake up in one place cut up and bleeding, and go about to different... What?” He asked the air. “This one...? No, no, that can’t be. He’s a cub.”
    God I wish this would just stop.
    “You’ve been fighting.” That time it wasn’t a question. “You’ve been fighting and even more than that, you’ve been fighting over your mate. You know this?”
    “I’ve been what?” Damon’s jaw dropped open. “Fighting who? And my mate? What are you talking about? I came here to find out why I kept blacking out and waking up in places I didn’t remember going and you’re talking about mates?”
    That whispered words clapped Damon’s mouth shut. The old man had the power to close his mouth for him if he chose to keep on, but he never required that level discipline. Not since the first time, anyway, when Poko clapped his mouth shut so quickly he’d bit his lip bloody. He stared in wonder at the living mummy before him.
    Poko’s body was weak with age, but he could transcend that without a second thought.
    Damon knew what he was for his whole life, but the changes hadn’t started until he turned fifteen and they’d never been this bad. The first time his dad dragged him down into this cave to meet Poko, it was a week before his fifteenth birthday, and the old man told him everything that was about to happen to his body. If not for that, he would have been lost.
    “Who is,” Poko turned his head almost all the way around. “What did you say?” Returning his attention to Damon, he said, “What do you know of Devin?”
    A heavy silence hung between them as a plume of ash tree smoke curled upwards and a leaf popped as it caught.
    “I... he’s just a guy from school. Never liked me much. I keep having visions of him and I don’t know why.” He took a deep breath to calm his shaking hands. That’s the other thing Poko always did to him; frazzled his nerves. “It’s always during my blackouts. I have these visions of him when I wake up, but I don’t have any idea why.”
    The old man rocked

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