Change For Me (Werewolf Romance) (The Alpha's Kiss)
back and forth. In the firelight, Damon watched his eyes dart back and forth beneath the lids. “Well?” He asked impatiently. “Why do I keep seeing him and why can’t I get him out of my mind?” He didn’t bother to ask how Poko knew.
    Poko swallowed and his throat clicked. “You need to go, Damon. The girl, your mate, she’s—”
    “Wait, what? You keep saying this stuff and I don’t know what you mean, Poko, just use names. Are you talking about Lily? Because I ruined any chance of that happening.”
    “No,” Poko whispered. “Destiny isn’t something you can ruin. Even when you want to go down a different path, it isn’t possible unless something prevents it from coming true.”
    Damon squeezed his fists so tight his knuckles went white. “I’m so tired of this. All I want is to be a normal guy. I want to stop blacking out for a week at a time. I missed graduation! I don’t know who I am or where I am half the time.” He stopped for a breath.
    After clucking a laugh, Poko said, “I remember these things, too. It isn’t an easy path we must go weather. Especially not those who are like us .” The word had a deep gravity that made Damon uncomfortable.
    “Please just tell me about Devin and why I can’t get that jackass out of my mind.” He was practically begging by then, but it had no effect on the old man, who was going to go at his pace, no matter what.
    One time, he’d told Damon that time only matters when you’re young enough to see things change. Maybe that was true.
    “What do you think these visions are telling you?” Poko said.
    “Ugh,” Damon scratched his knee through the torn fabric, where he used to have a cut. “I don’t know. I don’t... I don’t even know if they are visions. Is that what you’re getting at?”
    Poko cocked an eyebrow, and Damon’s rage boiled up even as he sat there fuming. “Why won’t you just tell me?”
    “Breathe, Damon,” the old man said in that voice that was so calm it made Damon even angrier. “You are one of the forest, Damon, that’s why your mother and father brought you here. You’re almost grown.  You’ll be halfway between man and wolf, and soon, unless you claim your mate, you will be stuck as such without her touch. You recall Devin because... because he aims to claim her too.”
    “No,” Damon groaned, the blood pounding in his head. “No that’s impossible, I’ll... I’ll kill him first.”
    “You will not .” Poko spat, his voice suddenly harsh. “You will not kill him, nor anyone else. If you do, you’ll be outcast. We of the forest may live on the outside of what normal humanity understands. But you must never kill. People might not understand us, but murder, that’s for the others. Not for us. Skarachee protect. Carak... they’re the uncontrolled ones.” He opened those horrible, sightless eyes, those grotesque white orbs, and stared into Damon’s soul.
    “Do you understand?”
    “Y – yes,” Damon replied, hardly able to contain his rage but knowing well he best not cross the elder.
    The old man coughed. “You’re my young. You are the young of my pack, the next of my line. We, the Skarachee, do not kill. The others, though, they have less control over their emotions.”
    “Others?” this was the first Damon had heard of anyone – anything – like himself that wasn’t Poko’s pack.
    “Ah, I see I’ve neglected to mention this to you. Come closer, my voice, it’s weakening.”
    Damon leaned in, reticent to get any closer to the old man, but knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it.
    “There are other packs, and they converge here. Your friend, your rival, I mean, he is Carak. The others .”
    “Whoa, whoa, wait a minute,” Damon put his hands up and gnawed on his lip. “Devin? The greaseball from school with the motorcycle and the horrible attitude... is one of us ?”
    Poko shook his head emphatically. “No, he is Carak. We are Skarachee. Now go. Go to your mate, I fear

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