Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay)

Read Online Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay) by Jenna McCormick - Free Book Online

Book: Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay) by Jenna McCormick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna McCormick
second before he jerks his cock free.
     His free hand eases him into orgasm. Tendons stand out on his neck as he watches himself come all over me. His hoarse cry echoes of the cement walls of the basement. I shiver as hot seamen splashes against my skin.
     Panting, he leans his forehead against my left leg. I wriggle beneath him and he lets go of my clit. I scream against the gag as blood rushes back into the bit of flesh.  It’s not pleasure but pain, true discomfort making the bud throb until tears leak out from behind my eyelids.
     “Punishment over,” Connor rasps before again falling to his knees at the end of the table once more. His flattened tongue laves over my abused flesh, without pressure or any kind of movement, just an open mouth kiss covering my sex. The light touch is exactly what I heed and I buck closer, the wetness of my pussy sliding along that of his mouth.
     I groan when he grips the ring of the plug and moves it inside me, fucking my ass with it. He laps gently between my legs, cleaning his seed, my juices, our sweat, everything away. Purifying me. I truly feel redeemed.
     The slide of the toy and his skilled mouth is too much. I arch up off the table. Two thick fingers are shoved within my greedy channel again, hooking upward to rub my G-spot.
     “Now Baily. Come for me now.” Again he licks my swollen clit, working me hard with everything he’s got.
     Full to bursting, I come so hard my vision tunnels. My last thought before I zone out completely is he forgives me.
     You have got to get your priorities in order. Snarkarella sighs.
     When I come to, I’m swaddled in a fleece blanket, surrounded by Connor’s warmth. We’re lying on a small couch, me nestled between his big body and the plush cushions. His heart beats steadily, lulling me into a sense of total security. The ball gag and butt plug are gone and if my limbs didn’t feel like they weighed a thousand pounds I could move them.
     His hand runs along my back, gently following the path of my spine. He stills when I shifty my head to look up at him. “Hi.”
     “Welcome back,” he squeezes me to him. He’s naked now too, completely so.
     I sink my teeth into my lower lip, unsure of what to say after the single most intense experience of my life.
     “Have some water.” He helps me sit up and reaches for a bottle. “You need to stay hydrated.”
     I take it from him with a shaking hand, this man who cares for me so tenderly, so thoroughly. He knows what I need before I do, he sets the rules, makes the decisions, carries the burden on his massive shoulders. I fell in love with him first, made a commitment to him first and it’s not fair I don’t get to keep him. Tears track down my face.
     “What is it, love?” Tilting my chin, he studies my face. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
     I’m not sure how he’ll react, but I need to tell him. “I don’t want you to go.”
     “Go?” he repeats the word with a puzzled scowl. “Go where?”
     For once he’s not reading my mind. Sipping the water because I know he wants me to I say, “You, as you are right now. He’s just not the same.” Guilt flays me even thinking it. The other Connor is a good man, kind, gentle and he treats me like royalty. It’s my damage that that isn’t enough.
     I see the light come on then his expression shuts down to a blank stare. “Is that why you wouldn’t agree to marry him?”
     I nod miserably. “I know, it’s crazy, you’re you whichever way you are it’s just….” I spin my hand in the air, hoping it’ll help me make my point somehow. “Everything’s so much clearer with you.”
     He nods, his expression turned inwards. “Is that why you made the video? To call me back?”
     Shaking my head I say, “I thought that’s what he—what you—wanted. Not the video part, that was my idea, but the plug. Why else would he have it dropped off in a gift box on my front door? Right after

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