Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay)

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Book: Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay) by Jenna McCormick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna McCormick
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into the waiting limo. It’s a silent ride to the airport. True to his word, Connor does indeed have a passport for me, the same gawd-awful photo from my driver’s license. I shake my head and put it in my small tote bag that also contains Simon, my cell phone and a bridal magazine.
     I pick it out and turn to look at Connor who is on the phone again. “You’re incredibly not-subtle.”
     He mouths semantics. I turn away so he can’t see me bite my lip. In his mind, and in mine, we are already united. An actual piece of paper is just semantics. Will the other Connor understand that?
     The limo takes us into the city, straight to LaGuardia. Connor escorts me directly onto the jet, much larger than the small plane that took us to the Hamptons. It’d have to be for an overseas flight.
     I sit, staring out onto the darkened runway unable to hold a though. Connor speaks with the flight attendant and then disappears into the cockpit.
     Drumming my fingers on my knee I wait, trying desperately not to think. Anxiety is making a meal out of my insides. I can’t help but think something awful will happen to Pops while I’m gone.
      If I had a dollar for every time I gave you some good advice and you ignored it then got yourself into another “situation” I’d own a private jet too. Snarkarella grumbles.
     I’d like to argue with her, say this isn’t my fault. But just like Connor’s domineering side, you can’t reason with her.
     Connor sits next to me, taking my hand in his. “It’ll be fine.”
     “Do you think the package was sent by the same person that put the bomb in the car?” I ask. The two events are so drastically different it doesn’t seem likely.
     “At this point I’m ruling nothing out. Whoever set the bomb had access to the parking garage in the city. The package was left on your doorstep at the Rosemont. Justin’s heading up a full inquiry of my staff, along with ex-employees and he’ll send me the taped interviews.” He taps his phone.
     We taxi down the runway and the jet eases into the sky smooth as silk. As the flight levels off the flight attendant waves to Connor who nods in acknowledgement before turning to me. “Do you think you can sleep?”
     My nerves are jumping like I ODed on coffee. “Not for a while.”
     He reaches into his bag and pulls out Simon. “Then get started on that list for me. I’d like to get it to Justin ASAP.”
     “Simon and I will get right to work.”
     He raises an eyebrow. “Simon?”
     Hefting the tablet, I grin. “Like the know-it-all chipmunk from Alvin and the Chipmunks. He’s who I go to for answers.”
     Connor shakes his head, a small smile in place. “You’ve spent too much time alone.”
     “Says the well-adjusted Mr. Edge.”
     The smile grows wider. “So cheeky.” He sobers and runs the back of his hand down the side of my face. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
     I watch him move across the cabin to the small table and set up his own work station. The flight attendant bends and says something to him, but he waves her off. She moves to me. “Would you care for a drink, Ms. Sinclair?”
     “Something without caffeine.” I do intend to sleep on this flight after all.
     “We have soda, juice and sparkling water.”
     I ask for a virgin screwdriver, orange juice and ginger ale, and settle in with Simon. Working backwards, I did my best to recall everyone I’d hired or consulted with about the grounds at the Rosemont. Other than Greg, I never visited with friends on the estate, preferring to meet them elsewhere.
     The words all started to mingle on the tablet and I set it down, intending to close my eyes for a second. The next thing I know, Connor scoops me up and carries me into the bedroom. I reach for him, intending to pull him onto the bed with me but he steps back, shaking his head. “If I fall asleep, I won’t wake up the same.”
     I frown and struggle against the soft bed until I’m upright.

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