Seducing the Viscount

Read Online Seducing the Viscount by Alexandra Ivy - Free Book Online

Book: Seducing the Viscount by Alexandra Ivy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Ivy
about his elegant body, like an unwitting moth to a flame. “I believe Ella would be saddened more from your departure than the loss of any jewels.”
    He pressed a hand to his chest. “A killing blow. Not surprising. Intelligent women are always the most dangerous.”
    Mercy narrowed her gaze. “It does not take a great deal of intelligence to know that you are attempting to divert me.”
    His soft chuckle brushed over her in a tangible caress. “Sweet Mercy, you would not still be wearing that charming gown if I truly wished to distract you.”
    â€œGood heavens, do you flirt in your sleep?”
    â€œI am not entirely certain.” His gaze dipped to take in the simple lace that hid her bodice. “Perhaps you could research the matter tonight and inform me in the morning?”
    Her heart fluttered with a dangerous excitement. What was it about this man that managed to stir sensations that she had never dreamed she possessed?
    â€œI thought you were determined not to tempt fate?” she softly reminded him.
    The aquiline nose flared, and his expression was suddenly wary, as if he sensed some approaching danger. Which was ridiculous. She was an awkward, pathetically innocent spinster.
    Hardly a danger to any man.
    â€œYou make it all too easy to forget.”
    â€œMe?” She took another step closer, savoring the potent heat that was spreading through her body. “But I have done nothing.”
    â€œYou have followed me here, have you not?” His eyes narrowed. “Or do you mean to convince me that your presence in the conservatory is a mere coincidence?”
    â€œNo, I followed you.”
    He appeared startled by her blunt honesty. “Why?”
    â€œI am not entirely certain.” She wrinkled her nose. “I told myself that I wished to chide you for ignoring your aunt when she is so desperate for your companionship. But I fear that may have been an excuse.”
    â€œAn excuse for what?”
    â€œI suppose I . . .” She squared her shoulders. In for a penny, in for a pound. “I wished to be in your company.”
    His breath hissed through his teeth in a small explosion of sound. “Mercy?”
    â€œYou are rather like an exotic, perhaps even dangerous, creature for a staid, aging spinster, you know,” she admitted ruefully. “I have never encountered anyone quite like you.”
    â€œChrist.” With a sharp movement he had pushed away from the desk and paced toward the statue, as if he might throw himself on the waiting trident. “Should I be offended or terrified?”
    â€œI doubt anything or anyone could terrify you.”
    â€œYou would be wrong,” he muttered.
    She frowned, not at all certain why his voice sounded so harsh. Was he angered that she had followed him? Or angered that she had interrupted his furtive search through his father’s desk?
    For a moment she considered the very sensible notion of turning on her heel and leaving the gentleman to his strange antics. It was clear he was not overly pleased to have her company.
    Then she gave a shake of her head. She had less than a handful of days before being carted back to her tedious life. She intended to enjoy every moment to the fullest.
    And that included spending time with this gentleman who managed to make her feel so brilliantly alive.
    â€œTell me about your life in London.”
    He remained silent, his head bent as he studied the marble feet of Poseidon. She feared that he might simply ignore her before he heaved a deep sigh and slowly turned to face her.
    â€œWhat do you wish to know?”
    She wisely kept the too-revealing word to herself.
    â€œHow do you spend your days?” she instead demanded.
    His lips twisted in a sardonic smile. “I am a rake, my sweet. My days are spent abed recovering from a night of debauchery.”
    â€œAh. And what does your . . . debauchery include?”
    â€œSuch things

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