Catherine: One Love is Enough (Catherine Series Book 1)

Read Online Catherine: One Love is Enough (Catherine Series Book 1) by Juliette Benzoni - Free Book Online

Book: Catherine: One Love is Enough (Catherine Series Book 1) by Juliette Benzoni Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliette Benzoni
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    ‘Oh, the Duke of Burgundy,
    ‘God give him health and strength!’
    She hastily replaced the door in position and returned to the workshop. She paused for a moment as she passed the trapdoor. She really ought to see if Landry had brought the rope. She raised the trapdoor and stooped down, calling softly:
    ‘Messire, it is I, Catherine! I wanted to know if Landry remembered the rope.’
    She heard Michel’s voice, somewhat muffled:
    ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got it. In any case, there was one here already. Landry says he will come back sometime between midnight and one o’clock. He will whistle three times to show that he is waiting with a boat under the bridge. All goes well.’
    ‘Try and sleep a little then. I am going to bed now. I will come down again when I hear Landry whistle. My room faces the river.’
    A faint creak from the floor above made her drop the trapdoor hurriedly, her heart thumping. Just then the great palace clock struck ten. Two more hours to wait.
    Catherine went back into the kitchen and covered the fire with a thick layer of ashes. She placed a lighted candle on the stairs for Loyse when she returned, then headed for the stairs.
    She had got no further than the bottom step when Loyse appeared. The girl looked grave. ‘Landry’s mother is not at all well,’ she said. ‘She is fast using up her strength. I wanted to stay, but Maman sent me back to look after you. Are you going to bed?’
    ‘Yes. But if you want something to eat …’
    ‘It’s all right. I’m not really hungry. Let’s go to bed. You must be tired after your day in the sewers.’
    The two sisters went up to their little room and silently undressed. Loyse, after a drowsy ‘Good night’, fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow. Catherine, however, lay down with the firm resolve that she would not even close her eyes. This proved very difficult. Once she was in bed, all the weariness that had been accumulating during that unforgettable day seemed to descend on her at once. Her heavy coverlets smelt so sweetly of bleach and bay leaves. The desire for sleep, so powerful in the very young, seemed to be weighting her eyelids with lead. But she must not give in. It was essential that she stay awake to help Landry if anything went wrong.
    To help ward off sleep, she began telling herself stories. Then she went over all the things Michel had told her. And there was that kiss he had given her. She shivered as she remembered it.
    Loyse’s even breathing next to her was beginning to send her to sleep. She was on the point of dropping off when an unexpected noise had her sitting bolt upright, wide awake.
    A door squeaked softly on the floor above, as if it was being stealthily opened. Soft footsteps shuffled along cautiously overhead as far as the stairs, then there was the creak of a step being trodden on. Her head raised and both ears pricked, Catherine mentally accompanied the person, who could only be Marion, on her way down. Where could she be going at this time of night?
    Now the footsteps were coming nearer. They stopped outside the door of their room, and there was a glimmer of candlelight under the door. Marion, obviously, was listening to make sure both girls were sound asleep. Catherine took care not to let the bed squeak as she moved. After a moment the steps started downstairs again, as stealthily as before. Catherine could not help smiling to herself. After indulging so freely, Marion was doubtless in need of fresh water to clear the wine fumes from her head. She might even be hungry. She would be back as soon as she had found what she wanted in the kitchen.
    Reassured, Catherine was just about to lie down again when a new sound brought her out of bed with a bound, her heart beating so wildly she felt it might burst. There was no mistaking that particular creak. Marion wasn’t looking for water. She must have gone to get a further supply of wine from the barrel in the cellar.
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