Buddha Da

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Book: Buddha Da by Anne Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Donovan
Tags: Scotland
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of maybe been too OTT, but somehow just worked.
    When ah’d finished the door she came oot intae the close.
    ‘Wonderful. It’s perfect. Red front doors are really lucky you know. Ready for a cup of tea?’
    ‘Aye, ah’ll just get cleaned up first.’
    Sittin opposite her in the kitchen ah wondered whit tae dae. It was only hauf-three so ah couldnae expect tae be stayin for ma tea but it felt a bit flat tae just be gaun hame. Ah didnae want tae leave. Ah know whit John would of said if ah’d tried tae explain it tae him but it just wasnae like that. There was nothin gaun on; ah didnae fancy the wumman wan bit and ah got nae signals fae her either. It was just, there was some kind of a bond between us. And efter the week ah wanted it tae end wi us sittin doon and havin a meal thegether, no me just heidin aff like that.
    Then she said, ‘Jimmy, can I ask you one more favour? It might seem a bit strange.’
    ‘Ask away.’
    ‘It’s just that I feel the flat is now my home, thanks to your work, especially the living room, and I want to do a kind of clearing – you know, meditate there so it has really good energy. And I’d like you to come and meditate wih me. It would be really nice if we could do it together as you did all this beautiful work. If you have the time we could eat together afterwards, if I’m not keeping you back too much.
    ‘Ah’d like that, Barbara, really.’
    And though ah’d never ever have thought that was the favour she wanted tae ask me, it was the maist perfect thing that could of happened.
    We sat in the livin room facin the Buddha. She’d these foam blocks like you get at the Centre tae sit on and wee blankets, brightly coloured, the size a baby blankets, and we wrapped them roond wer knees. She’d lit caundles and was burnin some kinda herb thing. A didnae know whit it was then but ah know noo it’s sage and Native Americans use it tae purify things – it’s supposed tae take away all your negativity. Anyway, there we sat, the room aw clean and perfect, while the light was fadin ootside.
    Barbara started, ‘I call upon the Buddha, the bodhisattvas and all the good powers to witness our giving thanks for the blessings of life. I want to thank Jimmy for the wonderful work he has done in making my home a clean and good space to be. I thank him for the mindful way he has painted and the friendship he has shown. I thank life for bringing us together. And I ask that this home will be a safe and welcoming space for everyone who comes here.’She paused for a moment. ‘D’you want to say anything, Jimmy?’
    Ah couldnae think of anythin so ah just says ‘naw’.
    She rung the wee bell and we closed wer eyes. Ah started followin ma breaths, countin inside as the lama’d taught me. And it was an easy wan this meditation, just seemed right. Efter whit seemed like a very short time ah heard her ringin the bell again and opened ma eyes. It was fully dark ootside noo, and for a few minutes ah watched the lights in the flats opposite, the trees bathed in weird blue light fae the streetlamps.
    Later, in the kitchen, Barbara was checkin the food while ah stood leanin on the counter, feelin light and relaxed.
    ‘Ah could nip oot for a wee bottle of wine if you like. Make it mair of a celebration.’
    ‘If you want some yourself, Jimmy. Don’t bother for me.’
    ‘I don’t drink alcohol.’
    ‘Oh, right.’
    ‘Don’t let me stop you.’
    ‘Naw it’s OK. It’s no really worth it – ah’d only have the wan if ah’m drivin. Can ah dae sumpn … set the table?’
    ‘Sure – place mats and napkins are in that drawer.’
    Ah opened the drawer, started takin oot stuff. Ah really wanted tae ask her aboot no drinkin though. The only folk ah knew that didnae drink were alkies, reformed wans.
    ‘Do you no like the taste or …?’
    She stirred sumpn, put the lid on it and sat down at the table.
    ‘I gave up a few years ago when I got more into the meditation. It seemed a bit

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