Buddha Da

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Book: Buddha Da by Anne Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Donovan
Tags: Scotland
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    ‘Nothin really, she’s just had the cold, but she thought she’d rather save hersel for the party the morra.’
    We went in the hoose. Anne Marie was in the livin room playin wi her playstation.
    ‘Hiya, Da. Hiya, Uncle John.’
    ‘Hi, hen. Is yer mammy in?’
    ‘Aye, she’s in the bedroom – workin oot whit tae wear for the party the morra night.’
    Liz came in tae the livin room.
    ‘Hi, John. How are you?’
    ‘Ah’m fine. Just here tae get your man oot for a pint – is he’s allowed oot the night?’
    ‘Oh, you know Jimmy, does his ain thing.’
    She sat doon on the airm of the couch.
    ‘Job all finished noo, Jimmy?’
    ‘Aye, all done – got the cash in ma pocket.’ Ah patted ma jaicket pocket.
    ‘Gie you cash, did she? Ah had her doon as wanny the cheque brigade.’
    ‘Aye, me too, but she just haunded me a wad a notes.’
    ‘Must of been pleased wi the job.’
    ‘Nae wonder, the hours it’s taken him. He’s no been hame tae nine a’clock at night this week. Ah hope it was worth it.’ There was an edge tae her voice.
    John looked at me, wi a big brother kind of look.
    ‘It was a big job, right enough,’ he says. ‘Thon cornice – she wanted it painted three different colours and a bit a gold leaf at the corners and all. And she looked like the pernickety kind. Wouldnae fancy gaun hame tae her wi an empty pay packet. Raither strip woodchip. Right, son, are we on for this pint?’
    ‘Awright. Just a couple, mind. Ah’m knackered and ah want tae enjoy masel the morra.’
    ‘Want sumpn tae eat afore you go oot, Jimmy?’
    ‘Naw, thanks hen, ah’ve had sumpn.’
    ‘Barbara make yer tea again?’
    ‘Must of been really pleased wi the work efter aw.’
    ‘Well, this boy is the David Beckham of the gold leaf. And ah promise ah’ll no keep him oot late, Liz. We’ll see you the morra night, eh?’
    ‘Aye, John. See yous.’
    ‘Night, Anne Marie. Liz, ah’ll see you later.’ Ah went tae kiss her and she turned her cheek tae me but didnae kiss me back.
    As soon as we were oot the hoose John says. ‘Jimmy, am ah mistaken or are things a bit chilly between yous two?’
    ‘How d’you mean?’
    ‘Well, Liz seems tae think that there’s sumpn gaun on between you and thon Barbara wumman.’
    ‘You know that’s shite, John.’
    ‘Ah know that’s shite but it’s what Liz thinks that’s the point.’
    Ah didnae reply.
    ‘Is there sumpn you want tae tell your big brother aboot?’
    ‘Look, ah swear tae God, John, there is nothin gaun on between me and Barbara.’
    ‘What aboot you stayin late and her makin yer dinner? Whit’s that all aboot.’
    ‘Christ, ah thought ah was daein the right thing. If ah hadnae stayed late the job would of taken up haufy next week when we’re supposed tae be startin on Macintosh’s. And it made sense tae work through the rush hour and then come hame when the traffic’s quieter. The wumman offered tae make me ma dinner – she was just bein decent. Ah mean look at that auld dolly up Kelvindale last spring – the wan that was bringin us rolls and sausage at lunchtime and home-made scones. Ah didnae see you refusin it.’
    ‘Aye but she was aboot ninety-three, Jimmy. Ah cannae see even Boabby tryin tae get his end away wi her.’
    ‘But ah don’t fancy Barbara. I like her but that’s it. Ah mean, you’ve seen her John, she’s no … ah mean she just isnae the sorta wumman you would fancy. Ah mean she’s OK ah suppose but she’s just too … Embra.’
    ‘So are you sayin you couldnae ever fancy anybodyfae Embra? Ah know whit you mean. Actually ah think she’s a dyke.’
    ‘Ah don’t know, mibbe… who cares? Anyway the point is, Liz hasnae met her. For all she knows Barbara could be this gorgeous sexy wumman wi her eye on you and yous could of been up tae all sorts wi a six-incher and a sheepskin roller. Look at it fae her point of view – you’re comin hame at nine a’clock at night efter spendin a

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