could schedule an appointment,” I asked with my voice almost
    “ Yes, I am taking new
patients and I would love to schedule you an appointment.” Her
accent made her sound so regal.
    After making my initial appointment
for next Wednesday, I hung the phone up and let out a huge sigh of
relief. The knots in my stomach finally began to loosen up a bit. I
told myself I was taking a step in the right direction, and I was
happy with my decision to call her. I laid my head down on the
pillow and fell asleep.

Chapter 7

    Wednesday seemed to come within the
blink of an eye. As I got ready to meet with my therapist, I
started to feel nervous and my stomach was nauseous. I tried to
kill time by reading the new Cosmo magazine I had picked up at the
grocery store, but I couldn’t concentrate on the article. I threw
the magazine back onto my night stand and decided to head on over
to my appointment. I’m sure I would have to fill out some sort of
paperwork so getting there a few minutes early was actually a good
    The therapist’s office was
located in the next town over and was a quick fifteen minute drive.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I realized I was a full half an
hour early. I turned the radio on and flipped through the channels
looking for a song. Ugh . . . Every single
channel is playing a commercial. Frustrated, I flipped the radio off and anxiously began to
bite my finger nails. I could hear my mother’s voice in my
head. Stop biting your fingernails that is
a disgusting habit. This was something she
had told me since I was a little girl. I rolled my eyes at my
    I couldn’t take the anticipation any
longer and headed into the building. As soon as I stepped inside
the building noticed the directory hanging on the wall. Scanning
the list I found Helen Read’s name. Her office was on the second
floor suite 213. I opened the door and walked up the flight of
stairs directly in front of me. Once I reached the top of the
stairs I made my way down the long corridor ahead of me. I began
looking for Helen Read’s name to be posted on the office door. The
majority of the offices were either doctor’s or lawyer’s offices.
When I finally reached her office, I quietly opened the office door
trying not to disturb anyone.
    The waiting room was small but
decorated nicely. I was immediately drawn to the three Ansel Adams
replicas that were hanging on the walls. He was my favorite
landscape photographer. His black and white pictures were truly
amazing. As I stared at the pictures, I heard someone clear their
throat from behind me. I quickly spun around.
    “ Hello there, you must be
Leila?” A very attractive woman with an Australian accent said. I
knew immediately it was Helen.
    “ Yes, I am,” I said
nervously walking toward her with my hand extended.
    “ I am Helen, very pleased
to meet you. Are you a fan of Ansel Adams?” Helen asked
    “ It is very nice to meet
you as too, Mrs. Read,” I said nervously.
    She began to laugh, “Oh please call me
Helen. Mrs. Read is my mother-in-law’s name.”
    I could feel my nerves lessening. She
had a very calming presence about her.
    “ You never answered my
    I looked at her puzzled.
    “ Yes, do you like Ansel
Adams?” She laughed.
    “ Oh yes, he is my
favorite,” I replied with a huge smile on my face.
    Helen extended her arm through the
doorway. “Why don’t you come into my office and we can get to know
each other a little bit.”
    As I stepped into her office, I
noticed it wasn’t much bigger than her waiting room. Her desk was
kiddy-corner in the room and there were two overstuffed chairs and
a loveset positioned around a small table.
    “Please have a seat and tell me a
little about yourself.” Helen smiled.
    I briefly told Helen about my life. I
started with my family, moved onto my friends and ended with
Garrett and why I was here to see her.
    “Now that you have explained to me
your situation, I

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