Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

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Book: Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure by Sindra van Yssel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sindra van Yssel
Tags: BDSM Contemporary
mean that defined her. It just meant her libido was a bit twisted. It didn’t prove a thing.
    “Don’t ever do that to me again,” she said, glaring at him.
    “With a mirror?”
    “With a mirror or a window. You have no idea what a shy person I am. To let you even see me naked gives me jitters. To let other people—you just have no idea.”
    “Oh. I know a few things about shyness.”
    His look of utter sincerity took her in for a moment, but then she remembered what Valerie had said about seeing him with a handful of women. “Yeah. Right. You do this sort of thing all the time.”
    He took a step back from her. For a moment she thought he was going to deny it. But instead he shrugged. “Yeah. Well, now and then. But it’s not the same with everyone. Each person is different. And I’ve only done this sort of thing once with you. Well, twice.”
    When he said different, she was pretty sure he meant that she was being more difficult than most. But she didn’t know how to back down and wasn’t sure she wanted to. “You tricked me.”
    “Don’t you feel you should apologize for that?”
    “No. Not this time. I did the best thing I could do, to turn on my sub, and keep her safe at the same time. To give you your fantasy without the consequences. No, Emma, I’m not going to apologize.”
    They looked fixedly at each other until Emma realized there was no way she was going to win a staring contest. What he said was fair enough. “Please don’t trick me again.”
    He smiled slightly. “Is that a limit?”
    “Yes, I do believe it is.”
    “Very well. I suggest you keep it a soft limit, but I will observe it. A lot of BDSM play relies on expectation being different, possibly scarier, than what actually happens. But there is still a lot we can do. Someday, if you’re with someone you trust, let them play with your head a little. But I will not.”
    She caught the implication. Was he accusing her of not trusting him, or just stating a fact? She decided she didn’t have to be defensive. “Thank you, Sir.”
    He smiled and moved a half step closer. She looked up at him. He was so tall, she’d have to stand on tiptoes to kiss him if he didn’t bend over. Even then, he’d have to tilt his head down. “And thank you for tricking me this once,” she murmured, not at all sure it was a good concession to make. But she had to admit she’d been turned on. She arched her feet, and he bent down, his lips meeting hers. She melted. And then her tummy rumbled, loudly.
    “Didn’t have breakfast?” Diego asked.
    “Um, oops. It kind of got lost in the shuffle.”
    “They usually have doughnuts and bagels and the like in the dungeon until noon.” He reached for his pants. “C’mon, we’ll get something. You can come as you are.”
    “Um, no, I can’t,” she said, picking up her panties from the floor.
    He grabbed her hand and peeled them from her fingers.
    “I am not going out there nude,” she insisted. She wasn’t, either. Whatever he thought. It was one thing to be doing it as part of a scene, another to just go in stark naked to get breakfast.
    “You can wear your skirt and your blouse,” he said. “But not your panties. They’ll just be in the way later.”
    “In the way of—oh.” She felt she must have blushed crimson. But going without underwear was something she thought she could do.
    She picked her skirt up and slid it up her legs. It shouldn’t feel that different, but she was hyperaware of having nothing on underneath. Possibly because he knew. It wasn’t the first time she’d noticed that the world seemed so much more real to her when she shared her experiences with other people. Even though she loved to be alone reading or even playing games on the computer, other people validated her experiences—which was why she always preferred the kind of games involving lots of players connected online. The combination of being alone in her room, and yet with others, was perfect.

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