Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

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Book: Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure by Sindra van Yssel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sindra van Yssel
Tags: BDSM Contemporary
the more turned on she was. She bucked against him desperately, not sure whether she was trying to push back from the window or fuck him harder, but she knew she was right on the edge. If he kept this up, she would come. And anyone could see it, who happened to be walking by or playing.
    “Well, there might be a couple on the swings,” he said. As he said it, he wiggled his finger against her clit and thrust in her hard.
    She screamed. Her pussy clamped down on his cock, spasming out of control. She shook so hard the window vibrated. He pulled on her hips, fucking her faster, his breathing revealing his own urgency. She turned her head, pushing her forehead against the window so she’d have better leverage and could meet his thrusts. Even the glass felt good on her breasts right now. She wanted to be touched and filled before the pleasure rippling through her subsided.
    She hoped the couple on the swings were getting an eyeful. Hell, she hoped they were calling to their friends, telling them to watch her getting fucked by this gorgeous man. Hopefully they’d see his face when he came, even if she couldn’t.
    He let out a low moan when it hit him. His cock pulsed inside her, joining the vibrations of her pussy. She reached to hold him inside, but her wrists wouldn’t separate. He pulled her up from the glass, holding her tight.
    “The window turned you on, didn’t it?”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “Thought it would.” God, he sounded smug.
    “Hold me?” she pleaded.
    “Yes.” He slipped out of her and turned her around. He kissed her deeply, holding her against his warm, naked body. He had taken off all his clothes. She hadn’t been sure, until now. His chest was warm and firm against her breasts, and his arms so strong.
    “Now do you know what you like?” he asked.
    She frowned. He’d given her wonderful pleasure, but she still felt she ought to protest. “You had no right. You should have negotiated, before you exposed me like that.”
    “You’re absolutely right.” He surprised her by agreeing easily, and she didn’t know what else she could say.
    He moved forward, pressing her back against the window, which was warmer than it had been. Her back leaned against the glass once more, and she wiggled her butt, trying to find the window sill, thinking that maybe she could use it to semisit. But it wasn’t there. She frowned, confused, and then it slowly dawned on her. It wasn’t a window at all.
    “It’s just the mirror, love. I wouldn’t strip you in front of people without negotiation. But you have to admit, you loved it.” He lifted the blindfold off her eyes, shading them from the overhead light in the room with his hand.
    He was smiling at her, but it wasn’t a triumphant, smug smile. He looked, well, proud of her. Which was crazy, because she was rather embarrassed.
    The other thing she noticed right away was that he was built. His chest was well-defined, his shoulders broad, his abdomen a rippling six-pack. And even half-erect, his cock was as big as any she’d had the pleasure to see up close. He’d disposed of the condom at some point, but she could see the wrapper on the floor.
    “It’s okay,” he said, brushing a stray lock of hair that had headed for her eyes the moment the blindfold cleared the way. “Your desires are okay, Emma. And you felt fantastic when you came. I’d like to do that again. Soon.”
    Of course she’d know it was the mirror next time, but she supposed he didn’t mean that specifically. Next time, he’d want to do it for real. And yes, it had most definitely turned her on. It was hot, being exposed. The problem was meeting people’s eyes afterward, but maybe at Bondage Ranch, she could let herself go some. She didn’t have to deal with any of the people here the rest of her life, except for Valerie.
    But dealing with Valerie was bad enough. And she didn’t like being tricked. When Emma was turned on, she was excited to think there was an audience. That didn’t

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