Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

Read Online Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure by Sindra van Yssel - Free Book Online

Book: Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure by Sindra van Yssel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sindra van Yssel
Tags: BDSM Contemporary
her breasts lightly, slipping over her belly, sliding along her thighs. “I’ve got a condom on, so don’t you worry about that.”
    “Yes, Sir.” Condoms weren’t part of her fantasies, but a man who cared enough about himself and her to wear one most definitely was.
    He lifted her off the ground and shoved her thighs apart. His cock pushed against her pussy. She didn’t kick this time. She didn’t care where her feet were. She wanted him inside.
    He lodged in farther and then let gravity do the rest. He stretched her as he slid inside, wakening a series of nerves. One arm wrapped around her chest and the other pressed against her mound with enough force to support her weight. It was amazing that he could lift her and still have the control to do that. She’d never been with anyone even close to that strong.
    Then again, she’d never been with anyone with a cock that big either.
    “Want to feel me thrusting in and out?” he asked.
    “Do I have a choice?”
    “Of course not. But I’d still like you to tell me.”
    She giggled. “Yes, Sir, I do.” If he wanted to hear her, he probably wanted to hear more. “Fuck me.”
    “Can’t get my best motion if all my strength has to go into holding you. So let’s go over here, against the wall.” He took a step forward and then shifted to the side slightly. His arm shifted, to hold her shoulders back instead of her chest.
    “Yes.” She had fantasies of being held up against a wall and being fucked. Usually from the front, but whatever he wanted to do. He probably had his reasons. And if his reasons were entirely selfish, that was fine with her.
    “Or the window.”
    She yelped when she felt the cold glass against her chest. The bastard had purposely held her shoulders back so that her tits struck first. He probably got his kicks out of that. Although it was better than her face hitting, she supposed. She turned her head and pressed her cheek against the glass.
    “Like I said,” he murmured. “A little discomfort.”
    It was more than a little, with her nipples already hard and aching. The window felt like it was made of ice. But then his cock moved inside her. As cold as the window was, his cock was hot. He pushed in and out, and with each push forward she felt her breasts squish against the window. She pushed back, instinctively. They established a rhythm, each thrust slow but taking him deep. His hand was firm on her mound. He slipped a finger downward and pressed on her clit. She always thought she liked only a gentle touch there, but right now his hard pressure was perfect. He lowered her so that her feet could touch the floor, and she was bent at the waist.
    It took her a moment to realize that a window meant more than just cold.
    “Are there people out there?” she asked, panicked.
    “You’re safe.”
    “You promised.”
    “Not to take you from this room. I didn’t promise not to give you what you want. Right now, though, no one is in position to see you.”
    She relaxed. And once she did she realized she felt vaguely disappointed. Here she was, being fucked by this gorgeous man. She might not be worth watching, but he was. Of course, by pressing her against the window, he’d made her the main event.
    And just because no one could see them now didn’t mean that no one would. The idea of being caught played with her mind. She shouldn’t want it. But it was exciting. The window opened onto the back. There was a set of swings she had seen, and if she’d looked almost straight down, she would have seen the stocks. Both were popular play areas. If she could see them, anyone who wandered there could certainly see her, if they bothered to look up.
    The curtains had been pulled closed so they could sleep in more easily. He must have opened them. The rustling sound she’d heard earlier made sense now. He wanted her to be visible. Wanted people to have at least a chance to see that he was fucking her. The worse thing was, the more she thought about it,

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