Blood Lust
least Dominic was concerned about her. She had breakfast in silence and the men resumed their places behind a newspaper. Anton was the first to excuse himself, then Devon, again leaving Darby and Dominic in the huge room together. When he thought Devon was out of earshot, Dominic dropped the paper and asked, “My dear, are you quite sure you are okay? Are you telling me everything?”
    “Sure, Dominic, I’m fine. It was probably just a twig I didn’t see in the wind. No big deal.”
    “Hmm,” he said as if he didn’t believe her. “Did you and Devon have a talk last night? I saw you head down to the cottage – Bernard told me Devon was down there.”
    “Oh, well no, we didn’t. He invited me in, but never said a word to me, not even goodbye. It was like he was somewhere else. I’ve never seen him like this before. Is he going to be all right? I’m trying to give him space, but I feel like I am losing my grip on him, as if he is being pulled away from me somehow. I don’t know what to do for him. I feel like everything I say or do is wrong.”
    “Oh, Darby, I’m sorry this is hurting you so. Hmm. So he said absolutely nothing last night?”
    “No, not a word. I sat down there for at least an hour maybe two or three. He never moved or said a thing. If it weren’t for his breathing I would have thought him dead.”
    “I was so hoping he would talk to you about…well, things.”
    Darby’s temper flared at the all too familiar evasion. “Yes, ‘things.’ That would be nice if someone would tell the dumb blonde what the hell is going on.”
    She realized she’d cursed and was immediately embarrassed.
    “I’m sorry, Dominic, I’m frustrated, I should just…” she said as she started to get up.
    As she did so, Dominic noticed a large spot of blood soaking through her hoodie.
    “You didn’t tell me everything, did you, dear?” She knew instantly to what he was referring and her hand went to her side, leaving her fingertips wet and red. The room faded to gray as her knees weakened and she started to go down.
    Having the agility, strength, and speed of a vampire, Dominic was able to get out of his chair, jump the table, and catch her before she hit the floor. He bellowed for Bernard, who was instantly at his side, despite being an ordinary elderly human. “Oh no! What’s happened, Master Dominic?”
    “Well, Bernard, I think we have a few problems, but the first is, we need to get her to a hospital. Can you call Dr. Rowe and have him meet us there?”
    “Immediately, Master Dominic.”
    “And let the boys know where we are going. Anton will probably not be strong enough to come, but Devon most certainly will want to go with us.”
    “Yes, Master Dominic.” He was off in a flash. Dominic set Darby on a settee and grabbed an afghan to wrap around her. He saw Bernard racing down the stairs, grabbing the keys, and heading for the garage. Dominic picked up Darby again and headed for the front door, stopping to see if Devon was coming, but after a moment, he proceeded for the door and to the waiting, running black Mercedes at the bottom of the steps. He rushed down the stairs and Bernard opened the backseat door for him. “Is Devon coming?” he asked Bernard.
    Bernard dropped his eyes and shook his head.
    “Damn it! What is wrong with that boy?” Dominic said as he got into the backseat with Darby on his lap, holding her like a father would his injured daughter.
    Bernard hurried around to the driver’s seat and they were off to the local hospital.

    Dr. Rowe was waiting for them with a stretcher at the emergency entrance. Dominic deposited Darby on the gurney and explained the details to Dr. Rowe. Darby was starting to regain consciousness as they entered an examination room.
    “What’s going on? Where am I?” Darby said.
    Dominic was at her side immediately. “You passed out, dear, you are at the hospital. This is Dr. Rowe. He is a very good friend of mine. He’s going to check you out

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