Billionaire Dragon's Mate: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Dragon Romance Nove

Read Online Billionaire Dragon's Mate: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Dragon Romance Nove by Anya Nowlan - Free Book Online

Book: Billionaire Dragon's Mate: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Dragon Romance Nove by Anya Nowlan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Nowlan
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less than a day of knowing him than Cable had over the entire time they’d been together (and then not together). The dragon was certainly… interesting.
    When they reached the edge of his lands, Cillian called over his shoulder to let her know that they were almost home. He said it with such ease that she almost believed him. Home. The grounds were gorgeous. Rolling, thick evergreen forests that bowed and swayed over high slopes and seemingly endless valleys between rocky mountains tipped with sparkling white snow.
    They passed a small town hidden in a valley, looking a little rundown but picturesque with its golden yellow roofs and windows and doors trimmed with green. Cillian told her that it was called Emerald Court – after the green stone court in the middle of town. He’d slowed down a lot as they entered the Greenmeadow lands, and when his house came into view, she understood why. It wasn’t so much a mansion as it was a castle.
    Ancient and regal, it towered above the town and the forests like a stone watchman keeping guard. She thought she spotted some signs of neglect here and there, a few rotting windowsills and unkempt stones, but it was still positively breathtaking to behold. Suddenly, she felt like a princess being brought to her new kingdom. It wasn’t an entirely distasteful experience.
    Thick moss crept up the sides of the castle, giving it a look of being invaded by the forest, or as if the castle was wearing a cape of green, befitting the lands it kept close guard over. Cillian drove them up to the small, nicely tended circular stone pathway in front of the castle. As soon as the engine shut off, the doors flung open. A small woman, standing a good foot shorter than Ruby, came skittering down the steps, screeching with joy.
    She grabbed Cillian in a tight hug before he could even take his helmet off and he responded with equal vigor, laughing. Ruby couldn’t help but grin. As much as he was a rat bastard, she had to admire Cillian’s spirit and personality. He was great to be around, and not just because he was easy on the eyes.
    “Master Cillian! So happy to have you home! The keep has not been the same without you,” the little woman said, giving Cillian a moment to wrestle off his helmet.
    Ruby had taken off hers as well and was now holding onto it a bit awkwardly.
    “Glad to see you too, Denna. I’m going to be staying for a while now.”
    “For a while! I thought I’d never see the day again. And you brought a friend!” Denna said, turning her lavish attention to Ruby.
    She smiled in response, unsure of what to do next. There wasn’t a lot of pure joy to go around in the underbelly of Chicago, so Ruby wasn’t exactly equipped to dealing with people who were… nice.
    “I have. Denna, this is my bride, Ruby Accardo. We’re going to have to make her comfortable here.”
    Denna’s eyes positively lit up at the news, and a moment later, Ruby found herself on the receiving end of one of her exuberant hugs. She laughed, hugging her back – it was impossible not to. The elderly little woman’s glee was infectious.
    “Pleased to meet you, Denna,” Ruby managed, feeling like a prop at show and tell.
    She didn’t mind. It was good to be around laughter again.
    “A bride! How wonderful! It has been too long since a Greenmeadow wedding took place in the keep. Not since your father and Dahlia. Oh, I’m so thrilled! And she’s so pretty!” Just as quickly as her excitement had built, it came to a halt.
    Her round, flat-nosed face could go from joy to worry in less time than it took Ruby to blink.
    “But when!? All the preparations! The gold moon is in two weeks! We will never have time to…“
    “Shh, Denna. Calm down. It’ll just be us. And someone from the council to mark the occasion. No need to plan anything big. We can have a party at Emerald Court later,” he soothed, patting her on the shoulder.
    Denna seemed to calm down a bit. Ruby thought it was adorable – at least

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