
Read Online Betrayal by Margaret Bingley - Free Book Online

Book: Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Bingley
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tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth, and she'd never felt less sexually aroused in her life. Tentatively she placed her right hand between her thighs and moved it aimlessly around, her eyes tightly closed.
    'Open your eyes!' he shouted, still drinking from the whisky bottle, his voice thickening with excitement. She ignored him and the blow to her breasts came as such a shock that she caught her breath with astonishment and then, as the pain spread, cried out a little. 'I meant what I said,' he warned. 'Open your eyes.'
    She looked at him standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes on her right hand although now and again he glanced at her face. 'I don't think you're very good at this,' he said after a few moments. 'I might have to punish you again.'
    Despite herself she began to cry and he watched the silent tears with satisfaction. 'I see you're getting the message.'
    'I can't,' she whispered desperately. 'I'm no good at it.'
    'Of course you can. Just think of something exciting. Some wealthy father from the kindergarten touching you up for the price of a pair of ear-rings. Come on, Lisa, use your imagination.'
    It was hopeless. She tried but the more he frightened her the more impossible her task became. Eventually he sat down on the bed. 'You're right, you're useless. Would you like me to help you?'
    She lay quite still, not daring to answer because she didn't know what he had in mind. 'Answer me!' he said furiously, reaching out and pinching her left nipple.
    'Yes,' she murmured faintly, lacking the courage to say no. 'Please?'
    'Yes please.'
    'There's a good girl!' He put the whisky bottle down on the floor and bent his head, moving her hand to one side and using his tongue instead. For ages sheer terror kept her from responding but finally to her own amazement and despair she found that she was building to a climax and when she finally arched into the air, Toby plunged into her, laughing triumphantly.
    Almost immediately he slumped semi-conscious on to her and because of the tights fastened round her ankles and left hand it was impossible to move him. She had to wait several hours before he surfaced into consciousness, and then he groaned and fumbled with the knots, apparently unaware of all that had gone on between them that night.
    In the morning when she woke he'd already left for work but there was a note for her on the dining table. 'Sorry about last night, I suspect I got drunk. Can't remember much. Hope I didn't behave too badly. Have booked a table at Langan’s Brasserie for 8 p. m. just in case I did. P.S. I love you.'
    Tearing up the note, she wondered where they went from here.

Chapter Five
    Lisa slept for most of the day but awoke at four and decided to shower and choose a dress for their dinner. It seemed safer for them to go out. She was still nervous after last night, and if they were going to talk about what had happened she wanted plenty of people around to keep Toby under control.
    Her face was bruised, although nothing that careful make-up wouldn't conceal, and her breasts still ached where he'd struck her, but apart from that all the damage was mental. He'd terrified and humiliated her when she was most vulnerable, and quite obviously she couldn't continue their affair because she'd never be able to let him make love to her again.
    Placing a hand gently on her stomach she thought about the baby, and after whispering to it not to worry, she turned on the shower. Whatever happened she was going to love this baby with all her heart, with all the love she'd never been able to give to anyone else; it would grow up knowing that regardless of what it did she'd always be there. She'd be the most perfect mother any child could ask for. It wouldn't even miss it's father because they'd have such a wonderful life together.
    Still daydreaming unrealistically, she wandered around applying makeup, perfume, a heated brush to her hair and all the other necessities for ensuring that she looked her best. Toby

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