Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy)

Read Online Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors - Free Book Online

Book: Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Neighbors
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
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Emry.  "I remember you came to the king's court once with your father."
    "That was a long time ago," Emry said.
    "You became ill then too, as I recall."
    "My queen," Emry said angrily, "I would caution you to take care.  You no longer have a castle or a kingdom to support you."
    "Let's not argue," Lorik said.  "I see no reason why Emry can't help with the camp.  We all have things to do.  Surely he can be useful."
    "That's Lord Emry," the short noble said.  "It's obvious what is needed here is leadership.  As I am the highest ranking official, it is my duty to take charge and make sure everything is done in a fashion worthy of King Oveer's honorable reputation."
    "You are a duke," Vera said.  "Does not a king and a queen outrank you?"
    "Men are title holders," Emry said arrogantly.  "Without her husband, Queen Issalyn wields no power.  And let's be frank, Lorik is a king of forest elves and bedtime stories.  No, I think my title is the only legitimate rank to be found here."
    Lorik could see that Vera was about to explode on Emry.  He couldn't see a positive outcome from letting Vera vent her frustrations on Emry.  He held up a hand to her and she hesitated.
    "Lord Emry, I respectfully disagree with your views on rank, but that is a discussion for another time.  Right now, we need to prepare for war. An evil witch in Osla is sending an army into Ortis.  We have to find a way to stop her.  I have been trying to convince Queen Issalyn to go to King Ricard in Baskla and enlist his aide.  Your help in that matter would be greatly appreciated."
    "Why would we need to enlist King Ricard's help?" Emry said.  "That cranky old man wouldn't help his own child if it were drowning.  Besides, it would only make Ortis look weak."
    "We are weak," Issalyn said.  "The honorable King Oveer marched away with our entire army."
    "That is no reason to give our enemies an invitation to invade," Emry said.
    "Baskla isn't our enemy," Lorik said.  "They are our ally."
    "You see," Emry said, turning to the men gathered around him, "this is why we need strong leadership.  Peasants always think everyone is their ally.  They have no concept of the complexities of kingdom politics.  I have had enough of this useless conversation.  I am in charge here now.  I will ensure that our best interests are seen to.  This tent shall do as my headquarters, for now, at least, until I can get something more suitable constructed."
    "This tent is not yours," Vera said.  "It is for the leadership of this camp, not for you to take just because you want to."
    "Enough, woman," Emry said.  "If you don't know enough to respect those in authority, you shall quickly learn.  Remove her."
    "Wait," said Trinad.  "Vera has been instrumental in seeing to the needs of the camp."
    "I said, remove her!  She is not needed.  Nor are you, old man."
    Two men moved forward, one toward Vera and another toward Trinad.
    "Stop!" thundered Lorik, his voice unusually loud and deep.
    The men stopped in their tracks and everyone stared at Lorik.
    "You have gone too far, Lord Emry," Lorik said.  "And your arrogance tries my patience.  Why are you here instead of your estate?"
    Emry looked embarrassed.  "I have come to ensure that the people in my fiefdom are properly cared for."
    "And you can't do that from your family's home?" Lorik demanded.  "Surely you have a fortified estate, and a surrounding village or town."
    Emry didn't speak, he just stared up at Lorik.
    "He isn't there because his home was overrun by the Norsik raiders," Queen Issalyn said, moving closer to Lorik.  "Am I right, Gunther?  Was your home razed to the ground?"
    "We were attacked yes.  I led our house guard to protect my family's heritage.  The raiders destroyed our town, so I came to help the survivors."
    "In other words,” the Queen said in an icy tone, “you took all the money and valuables you could carry and left the people under your care to face the Norsik alone."
    "I did not

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