Behind the Mask
that it was more her anticipation of seeing Nikolaus again that had compelled her to accept Lance’s invitation. This was far more than a little social for her. She’d never been to any social before. To think that her first opportunity would be so grand!
    Abbi had been terribly nervous when the invitation first arrived. But Georg had given her some quick dancing lessons in the stable. Elsa had dug out the perfect jade hair combs that had been a gift to Abbi from her grandfather on her sixteenth birthday. Ramona had taken her straight to the dressmakers and helped her pick out a green silk gown that her aunts had declared went well with her coloring. Abbi couldn’t deny that they’d been right. She felt absolutely dazzling in it, even though she’d stubbornly refused to wear her hair up. But when she was ready to leave, Salina had told Abbi that she looked beautiful. Ramona finally gave in and agreed, albeit grudgingly.
    The carriage rumbled through the huge gate of Castle Horstberg and Abbi held her breath. Hearing the horses’ hooves echoing on the stone courtyard, Abbi wondered how many citizens of Horstberg had the rare opportunity to visit the home of their ruler.
    Lance helped her step down from the carriage. She couldn’t deny that he looked terribly handsome in that uniform, which was a more elegant version of the one she’d seen him wear previously. The ever-present sword and pistol were absent, and she concluded they didn’t go well with dancing. They entered an enormous hallway with two staircases circling upward on opposite sides of the room, and a large balcony between them that looked over the great hall where they stood. After her cloak had been taken by a servant, they were led through a monstrous wooden door, down a stone hallway, and into a room larger than any one room Abbi had ever seen in her life.
    There were several people standing about, drinking champagne and chatting, many of whom Lance seemed to know. But Abbi couldn’t see Nikolaus anywhere. She was introduced around the small crowd, noting the glamorous fashions and the many men in uniform. A servant handed her a glass of champagne, but she had barely taken a sip when Nikolaus appeared at the top of an enormous staircase that descended into the room. He was dressed in a uniform far more elaborate than Lance’s, its front covered with an immense amount of regalia. A red robe hung from his shoulders, brushing the floor with many yards of lush fabric, and a conservative gold crown circled his head. It was barely as wide as a hair ribbon, but its contrast to his dark hair was striking. He looked even more handsome than she’d remembered, but she was more struck by the evidence of his position and power when the room became eerily still and all eyes turned toward him. Even the music stopped. The duke hesitated at the top of the stairway, seeming impatient until two young ladies appeared and took his arms, descending with him.
    “Who are they?” Abbi whispered in Lance’s ear.
    He looked surprised that she didn’t know. “His sisters. That’s Helena on the right, the blonde. She’s the older of the two. And the other, the dark one, is Madeleine.”
    Abbi watched the du Woernig sisters with interest, intrigued with them to the point that she became briefly oblivious to Nikolaus.
    “They look nothing alike,” Abbi commented to Lance as the music began again.
    He laughed softly. “No, they never have. Madeleine looks very much like her father, and Helena her mother. That’s the way it is with siblings, I suppose.”
    “They’re very beautiful,” Abbi added, wondering if every young woman felt so in awe of the princesses of Horstberg when given the privilege to be in the same room with them. Then she realized that Nikolaus was approaching, his sisters still at his sides.
    “Abbi, my sweet,” he said. She felt Lance go tense and wondered how good their friendship really was. “I’m so glad you came.” He took Abbi’s hand to

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