Behind the Mask
should refresh my memory,” Abbi teased.
    “I want you,” he whispered close to her face. “Slip away with me now. We won’t be missed.”
    Abbi’s heart went wild. She sensed something wicked in Nikolaus’s offer, but his presence brought out her adventurous nature, making her want to accept.
    “Say you’ll be mine,” he persisted.
    Abbi’s common sense dominated. She knew more time was necessary for her to make a commitment, whether or not it was to Nikolaus. “I think we should discuss this when we’ve had the opportunity to know each other better,” she said.
    He chuckled. “So, you’re a cautious one. Very well, give it some time. But don’t forget how much I want you. I’ll not be happy until you are mine.”
    “Yes, Your Grace.” She laughed, and Nikolaus caught her up tightly against him, whirling her around the floor until she became breathless and dizzy. She was barely aware of Lance observing them, looking less than pleased, but she was having far too much fun to care.
    After two more dances, Abbi reminded herself to be polite and slipped away from Nikolaus’s grasp to be with Lance. They danced a few sets before sharing some refreshments. Abbi hadn’t yet finished her punch when Nikolaus stepped in between her and Lance and swept her toward the dance floor without warning or permission. He whirled her breathlessly once again, then slowed their rhythm as he brought his mouth close to her ear. “Is this your first visit to Castle Horstberg?”
    “Yes, it is.”
    “Would you like to see more of it?” He lifted his brows.
    “Oh, I would,” Abbi replied with enthusiasm.
    Needing no more inducement, Nikolaus skillfully steered her from the ballroom, and Abbi found herself alone with him while the sounds emanating from the crowd became muffled and distant. She thoroughly enjoyed her brief tour of the castle, though most of it was not well lit and she had to depend on Nikolaus’s familiarity with his home to guide them. Again she was astounded by its size and grandeur, certain she could get lost in the countless hallways and stairwells. Nikolaus told her this was only the main section, where the royal family lived, social events took place, and the ducal offices were located. Surrounding the courtyard were servants’ apartments, barracks for the Guard, an armory, the keep, stables, and other things she couldn’t recall. Castle Horstberg was like a village within itself and every facet that Abbi discovered left her more intrigued.
    With more enthusiasm than Nikolaus had displayed so far, he threw open a door with a great deal of aplomb and motioned her inside. Abbi glanced around, noting the room was spacious and elegant, with a masculine tone. A window beckoned her to look out to the courtyard, lit up with torches for the night’s festivities. Noting a high moon that illuminated the valley below, Abbi caught her breath at the view.
    “You like my humble home,” Nikolaus said. It was not a question.
    Laughing at the incongruity of his statement, Abbi turned toward him. “The view is lovely.”
    Nikolaus smiled proudly. “Is this how you pictured where the Duke of Horstberg slept?”
    “No,” she replied, surveying the room, “but I might have guessed from the lavish decor. It certainly suits your personality.”
    “What did you picture?” he asked, missing the trace of irony in her tone.
    “I didn’t picture anything,” she replied honestly. “I didn’t even know what you looked like until you came to dinner last week.”
    “You mean you’ve never seen me?” he asked in astonishment.
    “Not that I recall.”
    “You jest!” he said, clearly deflated.
    “No, I’m quite serious. Until recently I knew absolutely nothing about you. The duke was as remote as if he lived in a different world.”
    Catching a glimpse of herself in the largest mirror she’d ever seen, Abbi felt the truth of her statement settle in. Except for the fiery hair that hung down her back, she felt no

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