Beetle Power!

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Book: Beetle Power! by Joe Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Miller
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flew faster as he came across more and more spots.
    â€œI’ve never seen Lurch like this before,” said Zap.
    â€œMe neither,” said Crunch, sounding nervous.
    Lurch crawled back towards them, with a very worried look on his face. “Gather round,” he whispered.
    Zap huddled in close to his Bug Buddies.
    â€œWhy are you whispering?” asked Buzz.
    Lurch nodded at a group of yellow butterflies and white moths playing happily nearby. “I know what the spots are,” said the dungbeetle, “and I don’t want to scare the whole wood.”

    Zap’s tummy did a nervous flip. “It’s Spinner, isn’t it?” he said.
    â€œShh!” said Lurch. He nodded slowly. “Yes, it’s Spinner. Those dark spots are spider poo.”
    Zap’s wings drooped – this was terrible news.
    â€œAre you s-sure?” said Crunch, his big claws clattering together.
    â€œIf there’s one thing I’m sure about,” said Lurch, “it’s poo.”
    â€œI knew he’d be back,” said Zap.
    â€œIt’s not just Spinner,” said Lurch. “With this much poo, he must have an army of spiders with him!”
    â€œWe need to tell Gonzo,” said Zap, flapping his wings. “Right now!”
    Zap spotted the wise grasshopper sitting on his rock. He landed next to Gonzo, his friends following close behind.
    â€œWe’ve got some news for you,” he said gravely. “Spinner’s back.”
    Gonzo nodded his head, slowly. He didn’t look surprised.
    I wasn’t the only one who expected Spinner to return , Zap thought.
    â€œAnd he’s got squillions of other spiders with him,” said Lurch. “There’s spider poo everywhere.”
    â€œLook – it’s all around your rock,” said Crunch, inspecting the slab that Gonzo was sat on. “We’re in danger!”
    â€œIf Spinner was going to attack us, he’d have done it by now,” said Gonzo, calmly. “He must be busy hatching his latest plan.”
    â€œWhat are we going to do?” asked Zap.

    Gonzo took a deep breath. “It’s time to end this feud. Ask all our insect friends to meet here when the sun is highest in the sky,” he replied.“I’m going to make the most important speech Spinner’s Wood has ever heard.”

    Zap and his friends spread the news about Gonzo’s meeting. They visited every friendly bug in the wood, from the earwigs on Rotten Row to the dragonflies over at Soggy Bog.
    Zap felt the sun beam down on his wings – it was already high in the sky.
    â€œWe should head back,” he said, “or we’ll be the only ones not at the meeting!”
    Zap couldn’t believe his eyes as he flew into the clearing by Gonzo’s Rock. It was packed! Insects who were usually sworn enemies stood side by side, waiting to hear what Gonzo had to say.
    â€œI never thought I’d see Mac the caterpillar standing next to Stig the wasp,” said Lurch.
    â€œMe neither,” said Buzz. “They hate each other!”
    Zap found the last clear patch of ground for them to land on. Buzz, Crunch and Lurch crawled to the front. Zap flew upwards, hoveringabove the crowd, as Gonzo hopped on to his rock. All eyes were on the grasshopper.

    â€œFriends,” said Gonzo. “I have bad news. Spinner has returned.”
    Zap watched rows of wings shudder with fright.
    â€œBut,” continued Gonzo, “Spinner is now on his last chance. He must be challenged to a showdown. If he wins … then I will leave the wood forever …”
    â€œNo!” shouted Zap.
    â€œâ€¦ and let him rule,” finished the grasshopper.
    â€œDon’t do it, Gonzo!”
    â€œThis can’t be happening!”
    Cries filled the clearing and Gonzo lifted his front legs in a plea for quiet.
    â€œIf Spinner loses,” said the grasshopper, “then he must agree

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