Becoming a Dragon

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Book: Becoming a Dragon by Andy Holland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andy Holland
winner? Well, John isn't really a party person, preferring the company of books and farm animals to other children. His hobbies include reading history, drawing maps, and cleaning up his house."
    The class erupted into laughter at this, not sure whether to take it seriously or not.
    A hand went up. "Didn't you have any servants, John?" A girl asked.
    "Of course he didn't," Daniel replied, not letting him answer. "His village is the sort of place servants come from, not go to."
    The class burst into laughter again. Professor Silver finally broke his silence. "Daniel, let John answer. The question was directed to him."
    John glared at the Professor and stood up to answer. "No, we didn't have any servants. There was just me and my father." There was a hint of pride in his voice, as if he didn't care what they thought of this. "Yes, I am earning my keep through working in the military library, but there is no charity involved, as I pay my way. And I didn't win my place in some random competition. I earned my right to take this place here based on my ability, beating hundreds of others. Can you say that, Daniel? Would you have a place here if it weren't for the family you were born into? Is there anything exceptional about you?"
    The class gasped in surprise. Crystal couldn't believe that John had been so stupid as to ask this question in a class full of students who were here solely by right of their birth. Was he trying to make himself unpopular?
    Daniel smiled smugly. "I am exceptional by my birth. I was born into an exceptional family, destined to be the next Lord Thorne, with a heritage I can trace back to the ancestors of the first King of this nation, and with the resources at our disposal that you couldn't even imagine."
    Professor Silver intervened again. "Yes, I think this is getting a little out of hand, and a little too personal. John, I think you'll find that this school is full of exceptional students. I do hope you are not questioning that? After all, if you doubted that why would you choose to stay here?"
    John fixed the Professor with a cold stare. He remained silent for a moment. "I choose to stay here. As to my reasons, they are my own." He sat down and turned away from him.
    The Professor looked a little surprised at this answer, and wasn't satisfied by it. "John, I'm not sure that you've answered my question."
    John turned to face him again. "Sir, Daniel has mocked the scholarship, and you have not objected to that. In the words of the Headmaster, the scholarship is designed to bring the most exceptional students to this school, and was in fact conceived by the Headmaster, and approved by the King, and all of the four princes. Do you share Daniel's dim view of the scholarship?"
    The Professor turned red, glaring at him furiously. "I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, boy!"
    John nodded, and continued to fix him with a determined stare. "Do you still want me to answer your question regarding what I believe, sir?"
    There was a slightly stunned silence. The Professor was dumbstruck, and he paused a long time before he replied. "I think we've had enough of this exercise now, John. I think your new classmates have come to know you very well in the last few minutes." He smiled cruelly at him, letting the words sink in. "Yes, you do appear to be most exceptional. I do hope that helps you settle in and make friends. Class dismissed."
    As they left, there were hushed whispers among the students, all of them staring at John as they spoke. Crystal ran to join Jenna, who was with Arthur, and Seth came to join them.
    "What's wrong with that fool?" Jenna asked. "How dare he question Daniel's right to be here."
    "I know of that Daniel," Daisy piped up. "He's cruel and vicious. Arthur, you agree with me, don't you? You know of Daniel's reputation?"
    The prince seemed a little reluctant to comment. "I do know of both Daniel Thorne and his family. You may do well to avoid him."
    "That's beside the point," Jenna retorted.

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