Best Friend to Perfect Bride (Contemporary Medical Romance)

Read Online Best Friend to Perfect Bride (Contemporary Medical Romance) by Jennifer Taylor - Free Book Online

Book: Best Friend to Perfect Bride (Contemporary Medical Romance) by Jennifer Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Taylor
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, divorce, best friend, doctor, nurse, medical romance, lover, feelings, Pediatrics, BFF, Wedding Day, Buried Feelings
Freya Watson from the look of it,’ she continued, answering her own question.
    ‘I thought you were supposed to be off today,’ Trish pointed out as they went back to Reception.
    ‘I am. But I can’t just take off and leave you to it when something like this has happened.’ Bella picked up the girl’s notes and looked around the waiting room. ‘Freya Watson?’ She smiled reassuringly when a tall red-haired girl hesitantly stood up. ‘Come with me, Freya, and we’ll get you sorted out.’
    Bella led the girl to a cubicle. According to her notes, Freya was sixteen years old and in her last year at the high school. She looked extremely nervous as she sat down on the bed and Bella smiled encouragingly at her. ‘This must have been a big shock for you. You’re bound to feel rather shaken up and even a little bit tearful, but that’s perfectly normal. I’m just going to check you over and make sure you’re all right and then, as soon as your parents get here, you can go home.’
    Freya didn’t say anything as she stared down at the floor and Bella frowned. Although her notes stated that Freya appeared to have suffered only minor bruising, she couldn’t rid herself of the feeling that there was something else wrong with her. She didn’t say anything, however, as she set about examining her. If there was something wrong then it would soon become apparent. There was quite heavy bruising to the girl’s thighs and it was obviously painful because she winced.
    ‘How did this happen, do you know?’ Bella asked, gently examining the area.
    ‘A bag fell off the luggage rack and landed on me,’ Freya muttered.
    ‘I see. That must have hurt,’ Bella said sympathetically. ‘Can I just check your tummy? I need to see if it’s caused any bruising there as well.’
    She went to unbutton the oversized cardigan that Freya was wearing but the girl pushed her hands away. There was real fear in her eyes when she looked at Bella.
    ‘I’m all right!’ she said sharply, attempting to stand up. The words were barely out of her mouth, however, when she doubled up in pain.
    Bella caught her as she fell and eased her back down onto the bed. ‘Obviously you’re not all right, Freya, so I need to examine you. Come on, don’t be silly. I only want to check that you’re not badly injured.’
    Tears started to stream down the girl’s face as Bella unfastened her cardigan. As soon as she had done so, she realised what was wrong. Freya was pregnant and, from the look of her, at full term too. She chose her words with care, knowing how important it was that she gained the girl’s trust.
    ‘Do you know when your baby is due, Freya?’
    ‘No. Not really. I just kept hoping it wasn’t actually happening.’ She looked up and Bella’s heart ached when she saw the fear in her eyes. ‘My mum and dad are going to kill me when they find out! They’re always banging on about me not getting myself into any trouble.’
    ‘I’m sure they will be fine once they get over the shock,’ Bella said soothingly, mentally crossing her fingers.
    She quickly examined the girl, her heart sinking when she realised that the baby’s head was engaged. As she’d suspected, Freya was at full term and, when she let out a groan, Bella realised that there was no time to waste; the baby was about to be born. Hurrying to the phone, she rang Maternity and asked them to send over a midwife as soon as possible. In the meantime, she would have to manage as best she could, although it was a long time since she had delivered a baby. Poking her head out of the cubicle, she beckoned to Trish, who had just finished seeing her patient. She lowered her voice, not wanting anyone to overhear. Although there was little hope of keeping the baby’s arrival a secret for very long, at least Freya should be able to tell her parents before her classmates found out.
    ‘We’ve a bit of a situation in here. It turns out that Freya is pregnant and the baby is on its way.

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