Badland Bride

Read Online Badland Bride by Lauri Robinson - Free Book Online

Book: Badland Bride by Lauri Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauri Robinson
Tags: Romance, Historical, Historical Romance
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for a minute."
    "No, no, my knees are just stiff from riding. I'll walk around for a minute before we leave again,” she said, grimacing at her own lie.
    Skeeter settled his hand on her elbow and led her in a small jaunt around the grassy trail as romantically as a finely dressed man might lead a woman across a ballroom dance floor. As they turned to walk back toward the horses he asked, “Have you thought any more about what I asked you last night?"
    Lila lowered her head, not wanting to refuse his offer a second time. He'd been so sweet, and it had been terribly romantic. A longing sigh bubbled out of her mouth. It seemed eons ago, not just last night.
    The stars had been twinkling overhead, and though the heat of a Kansas summer day was sweltering, there was rarely a night where a blanket wasn't needed. They had been snuggled together, one blanket below them, while the other covered them, his chest her pillow.
    She'd told him about Pete, about her car, the date rape, the baby, all the nitty-gritty details she'd told few others. His arms had tightened around her like protective bands of steal. Simply, softly, he'd whispered, “Marry me, Lila."
    It had taken her several minutes before reality had settled, and the loving spell surrounding her shattered. Disheartened, she'd been forced to decline.
    He hadn't argued her reasoning just kissed her temple and held her until slumber overtook her. When the morning light came, awakening them, he hadn't broached the subject again. Throughout the day, she'd wondered if it had been a dream.
    Now she knew it hadn't been. Her stomach hiccupped, and her eyes stung. “I can't marry you.” Her reason was the most honest answer she'd ever given. “If we were to get married, it would make my going back all the more difficult.” It was going to be hard enough, she'd never found someone she wanted to be with more than Skeeter.
    "Lila, you saw that tunnel. It's completely collapsed, all the way to the cave. I can't guarantee I'll be able to dig it out, find the portal. But that's only one issue. You can't—people will—your preg—"
    The one thing keeping her mind locked on the future—fear of giving birth without medical aid—overtook her thoughts, made her body quake. “But you said you'd try to dig it out. You said your brothers will help you, and you'll try."
    Skeeter's hand slipped from her elbow to fold around her waist. He tugged her close to his side. “Yes, we'll try. I'll dig all the way to China if that's what it takes."
    Relief flooded her system. “Thank you.” She laid her head against his shoulder as they walked back to the horses. He was the rock in her topsy-turvey world. There was no doubt she would have already collapsed into a puddle without his strength and support, which was odd, because she'd been self-sufficient for years—a fact she was quite proud of. Yet, from the moment she'd met Skeeter, there was this...this bond between them that was indescribable, invisible, but very real—her salvation.
    Stopping near the animals, he held her for a few seconds longer. She snuggled in, completely enjoying the embrace, but it wasn't long before realism set in. If she married him, she'd spend her entire life on guard duty. Leeches would forever be trying to steal him away. It really didn't matter what century it was, being married to a man such as he, one who was sure to turn the heads of every woman around would be exhausting. Utterly depressed, she stepped out of his embrace, and despite instantly missing his hold, moved farther away.
    While she did a few knee bends, he bent down, lifted the blanket his horse had shaken off. He gave it a hard flip. Dried bits of grass, hair, and dust motes hung in the air for a few seconds before the wind blew them away. The sight caused a touch of remorse, just like her, here one minute, gone the next. Why had this happened to her? Why was she given this opportunity to meet someone so wonderful, to experience something so grand and

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