Awakening Amelia

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Book: Awakening Amelia by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
Tags: Historical Romance
gazes with him. “You still don’t know who you are, or where you came from.”
    “I have a clue.” He took the letter from Stultz out of his pocket and started to read out loud. “‘Mr. Stultz regrets that he cannot disclose personal information of that nature to any casual inquirer, but can confirm that there is no one patronizing his business with the first or last name of Marco. Yours, Mr, Algernon Brown. Secretary’.”
    “Then we are right back where we started from,” Amelia commented.
    Marco continued reading as if she hadn’t spoken. “We do however count several clients on our list with names that are similar to Marco. If your gentleman wishes to do us the honor of calling at our establishment, we might be able to recognize him, or find his name on our customer rolls.”
    “So you intend to go up to London to see if Mr. Stultz recognizes you when you walk through his door?”
    “Even though you believe you haven’t frequented these shores for many years and that you have changed considerably.”
    He put down the letter. “Mrs. Smith, why are you making this so difficult? I assumed you would be delighted to be rid of me.”
    “Then you were quite wrong.” She practically glared at him across the table.
    “Amelia, dear, you are giving me indigestion. Can we return to the matter at hand and decide what we should do about Jonathan?” Aunty Betty’s voice was trembling, and Amelia immediately felt terrible.
    “There is nothing to worry about my dear Aunt Betty.” Marco turned to her aunt and patted her hand. “You can invite them to stay here. I am going to London to see Mr. Stultz.”
    “And how do you intend to accomplish that with no money to pay your coach fare?” Amelia persisted and was rewarded by a glint of exasperation in Marco’s blue eyes.
    “Jem Harris has agreed to take me up in his cart when he goes to the brewery in London tomorrow. I’ll help him load and unload the barrels.”
    “Then you’ll need to leave very early.” Unwilling to concede defeat, Amelia turned away. “What time is Jonathan arriving, Aunt?”
    “At midday, I believe. He’s bringing that new solicitor with him, which doesn’t bode well for our future, does it?”
    Amelia forced a calm smile. “I’m sure all will be well. Please don’t worry too much.”
    She excused herself from the table and went up the stairs, pausing at Marco’s open bedroom door to observe how neatly he kept everything.
    “Mrs. Smith.”
    He’d come up behind her, his breath warm on her neck. She turned and found him far closer than she’d anticipated and backed into the doorjamb.
    “Please don’t be angry with me.” He studied her for a long moment. “I have to find out who I am.”
    “I understand.”
    He cupped her chin. “But you worry for me. I don’t deserve that.” His gaze softened. “You care too much about everyone.”
    “You are mistaken.”
    His thumb traced a line along her cheekbone. “No, I am not. I only wish I was worthy of your care.”
    “Finding out who you are, doesn’t change you, Marco.” She forced a smile. “I already know you are a good man.”
    He leaned in and lightly kissed her forehead. “You don’t know that, but I appreciate your confidence in me.” He drew back. “When I find out who I am you might not wish to know me again.”
    “I doubt it.”
    “I could be a thief, or a deserter—someone your late husband would have spat on and left to rot at the side of the road.”
    “I cannot believe that, sir.” She paused. “If you truly were a bad man, I suspect you would have reverted to your villainous ways by now. A leopard cannot change its spots.”
    “I still can’t remember enough to agree or disagree with you about that.” He grimaced. “But you would think one would know the essential nature of one’s own self. All I see is evidence of a man who has lived a violent past.”
    “As have all soldiers who have defended their sovereign

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