A Succubus For Christmas

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Book: A Succubus For Christmas by M.E. Hydra Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.E. Hydra
the unwelcome image of his legs being eaten away by acid entered his mind.
    “You're making me wet,” the girl said. “My juices will heighten your pleasure.”
    More bulges ran down the vine as she pumped more liquid into her pitcher. It rose up past Fowler's calves and then above his knees.
    “I hope you're not trying to digest me,” he said, smiling as he put his arms around her body.
    He didn't feel worried. If it was acid he'd feel pain or a loss of feeling. Instead the liquid seemed to magnify his sense of touch as it bathed his skin.
    “Fuck!” Fowler exclaimed.
    The liquid had reached and enveloped his balls. The tingling sensation sank right into his sac and sent pleasurable sparks ricocheting through his nerves.
    The girl smiled and continued to caress his shoulders.
    That felt...Fowler didn't have words to describe how good that felt.
    This was pure fucking heaven. He lay back and relaxed in her embrace. He let the gentle contractions and relaxations of her opening languorously dip his cock back and forth into the squelchy honey of her internal vagina. His thrusts set the liquids of the pitcher in motion and he basked in the feeling of the warm currents swirling through his legs and tickling his balls.
    Meanwhile her hands, breasts and soft lips were driving his upper body crazy. Lost soul from hell? Fuck that. She felt like an angel from heaven to Fowler.
    Chris was the biggest muppet in the world for walking away from this.
    He wondered how Terry and Miller were getting on. He looked around.
    Miller's girl was really fucking lively. He spotted them as they hung in the darkness a few metres away. Her pitcher was pulsating like crazy and he could see Miller pistoning in and out of her through the movements of his back. Her hands were hooked around him and clawing his flesh in ecstasy.
    Jammy bas…tard?
    The girl and Miller slowly span until Miller was facing him. Miller was sheet white and absolutely terrified.
    Help me, he mouthed.
    What the fuck?
    Then Fowler noticed the bulges in the vines. They were travelling upwards not downwards.
    He turned to where Terry lay in the embrace of another girl. Terry's upper body lay slumped against her as her pitcher gently pulsed around Terry's lower body. The girl looked over Terry's shoulder right at him and smiled.
    He watched as Terry's body jerked with each pulsation of her pitcher and a bulge travelled upwards. Then he realised in horror Terry's body was shrinking. It was deflating like a balloon.
    What the fuck!
    “My sisters are feeding and it's time for me to join them,” his girl whispered in his ear.
    No fucking way!
    Fowler tried to climb out of her. His feet thrashed, but he couldn't get any purchase on her slippery inner walls. His legs just slid and slipped. He tried to grip the sides of the opening, but they'd also exuded some kind of slippery mucus and his hands kept slipping.
    “Let me fucking go!” Fowler shouted.
    The fluid in her pitcher was thick and tired out his legs quickly as he kicked and thrashed within it. The pitcher expanded, becoming a little deeper and Fowler dropped within it until his head was level with her breasts. His hands slipped on the opening and were pinioned against his hips as the cushioned hoop closed tight around his body.
    “Your struggles are futile, little fly,” the girl said. “You can't escape my trap. Relax and let pleasure take you.”
    What was she doing?
    Within her pitcher his cock was gripped by a powerful suction. It was drawn back into the honey-filled channel, only this time the orifice had come alive and the soft walls gently throbbed against his cock.
    And why did it feel so good?
    She put her arms around the back of his head and smothered his face in the lush cleavage between her breasts. The walls of her pitcher gently pulsed, driving his cock deeper into her vaginal opening and swirling the fluids to massage his buttocks and legs.
    “Your pleasure will feed me,” she said, cradling his head

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