Avalon Revisited

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Book: Avalon Revisited by O. M. Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: O. M. Grey
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off his windpipe, “I see this means quite a lot to you, m’lord. My apologies.”
    I dropped him and regained my composure, looking completely human once again.
    “Now. Help me, Cecil. What can I do to catch this lady?”
    “You do have considerable powers of persuasion, m’lord,” Cecil said, rubbing his throat.
    Point taken.
    “True. But I do not wish to frighten the lady or cause her any harm.”
    “You know perfectly well this is not to which I was referring, m’lord.” Cecil had now begun to collect the broken teacup shards.
    “Yes. I do have considerable natural charm as well, but she hardly spoke to me tonight.” I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms like a petulant child, pouting. “She wouldn’t even agree to calling me by my given name. Too informal, she said.”
    “She sounds like a lady of much integrity, m’lord.” He picked up the fallen platter and began wiping up the spilled tea.
    “That’s what I was saying, Cecil! She’s special. She’s not one of those haughty harlots who are on their backs with just a kind word and a flattering flirtation. Nor is she a shy maiden, blushing at the thought. No, Cecil, this one is strong. I could feel it in her.”
    “What about your other powers, m’lord? Surely you could use them to persuade her.”
    “Of course, Cecil! Thank you for the reminder, good man. It has been so very long since I’ve needed them to persuade a woman! I almost forgot that I could!” He was, of course, referring to my vampiric powers of mind control. I could subject my will upon the weak minded, especially.
    She was not weak-minded, however, but it was worth a shot. If only as a last resort. I would certainly prefer the lady come to me of her own accord.
    “The night is still quite young, m’lord. Are you in for the evening?”
    “It is young, Cecil! It is positively infantile! I think I will go out for a drink and perhaps a romp as well. Don’t wait up.” I donned my top hat, slipped on my gloves, grabbed my overcoat, and headed for the door.

    “No, m’lord. I never do.”

    The night was cool, even for London. A soft mist filled the air, and I thought about how lucky we had been earlier in the evening. The clear skies were perfect for the airship flight. I smiled as I remembered how Avalon’s skin looked in the moonlight, highlighting her cheekbones and lips.
    The curve of her nose. How I could see each eyelash and each wispy hair along her jawline in the bright, clear night. But now it was foggy and misty and grey, just as London usually was.
    I didn’t call for Thomas to drive me, but rather set out on foot. It was just past midnight, so I had several hours until dawn. I was feeling a little hungry, but it couldn’t be a high profile kill.
    Perhaps it wouldn’t have to be a kill at all. Certainly would be better not to leave another body so soon. I could sharpen those persuasive powers Cecil mentioned on a barmaid somewhere. Maybe a whore. Of course, I wouldn’t need them for either. And if I did, it wouldn’t take much, for they were customarily of the weakest minds. A whore, I settled upon. Satisfying two desires in one without a fuss. There was time for practice later. Tonight, I had renewed desires in need of satiating.
    “Yes,” I said to the London night, “a visit to the Chamber of Horrors is just the thing.” It was well over an hour walk to Gray’s Inn Road, but it would be well worth it. Definitely my type of establishment. I could grab a cab home if I ran too late. I cut through Hyde Park with a skip in my step and turned onto Bayswater. Few people were out this late, so it was a relatively quiet night. The thick fog hung in the air, and my thoughts turned once again to my dear Avalon. She was no doubt snuggled into her bed, sleeping soundly. All alone, and I hardened at the thought.
    I will have her. Forever.
    I had long since given up on the idea of turning a companion, as I became bored with most women after a few hours. I

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