Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners)

Read Online Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners) by Marita A. Hansen - Free Book Online

Book: Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners) by Marita A. Hansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marita A. Hansen
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laughed. “You
look cute when you pout. Do you know some of your swelling has gone down?
You’re starting to look very handsome.”
    “You’re a terrible
    She hiccupped. “And
you’re a bad boy.” She patted the bed. “So, come here or I’ll smack your culo. ”
    He sneered at her.
“Try it, cyka , and see whose ass gets smacked.”
    She pushed off the
bed and wobbled over to him, making him rise to his feet. “You need to lighten
up, you’re always grouchy,” she said, waving a finger in his face.
    “I’m in a fucking
cell. How do you expect me to act?”
    She shrugged, then
gave him a big smile.
    He grimaced back.
    “You would look so
much nicer if you smiled.”
    “You would look nicer
if you were on the opposite side of the room, facing the wall.”
    “How about you face
the wall? You wouldn’t have to look at me, then.” When he didn’t move, she
indicated with her finger for him to turn around. “Go on.”
    “I won’t bug you
anymore if you do.”
    “How about you don’t
bug me anyway?”
    “Nope! You have to do
this one itsy-bitsy thing for me, then I promise on my Uncle Christo’s grave
that I’ll leave you all alone.”
    Exhaling, he turned
around, willing to do anything to get rid of the annoying woman. A smack landed
on his ass, making him yell out in surprise. He spun around, finding Andriena
laughing so hard she was wobbling all over the place.
    “Look who’s gullible
now!” she hooted.
    “You swore on your
uncle’s grave,” he snapped.
    “My evil uncle
doesn’t have a grave, he was blown,” she imitated a bomb sound, “to
smithereens.” She twirled her finger. “Turn around again; I want to smack your culo more. This time I’ll promise on my grave. You’re so gullible you’ll believe
it.” She burst out laughing again, looking unsteady on her feet. A second
later, her legs went out from under her, Andriena landing on her ass. She
continued laughing, the alcohol cushioning the blow.
    “You’re a god-awful
drunk,” he growled.
    “I am!”
    She started crawling
to the bed on her hands and knees. He followed her, tempted to smack her ass
too, but refraining, the woman probably too drunk to feel it.
    She pulled herself up
onto the bed and turned over. “You are so hot,” she said, holding her arms out.
“Fuck me.”
    “Fuck yourself.”
    She smiled. “I can’t,
I don’t have a cock.” She reached out for his, making him take a step back.
    “Keep your hands to
    She let out a huge
sigh. “Why are all the hot ones either gay, porn stars, or grumpy bums.” She
let out another sigh. “Guess I have to dream about you fucking me.”
    “The only dreams you
should be having about me are fucking nightmares.”
    “No, wet dreams,” she
    He shook his head,
thinking the woman was sex mad. Annoyed, he spun around and went back to the
corner. He sat down and glared across the room at her, mad that she had the bed
as well as his food. But there was no way he was sleeping next to her,
especially not after what she’d said.
    Wanting to go back to
sleep, he closed his eyes, but reopened them as Andriena started snoring. “Shut
up,” he snapped. She continued, making him regret giving her his food and wine.
He closed his eyes again, praying for sleep... and to be free from the
blue-eyed devil.

    Andriena opened her
eyes, instantly regretting it. Groaning, she brought a hand to her face,
wondering what had happened, because her head was killing her—much more than
usual. The memory of drinking Sasha’s wine came back and... She groaned louder,
also remembering coming onto him. She pushed up in bed and looked across at
Sasha. He was lying in the far corner, looking fast asleep.
    The door opened, capturing
her attention. Nikita and two armed guards entered, followed by three servants,
who were carrying trays of food—too much for one person. She spotted spaghetti
and a chocolate torta , her favorite meal.

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