Attraction  (Love & War, Part I)
looking for a substitute for her! Caroline's
quite enough Carolines for me. I happen to like Nicole for herself,
and that's a whole fucking lot of liking, actually. And she's a
sweet, lovely girl. I want some of her company as well as her body.
You don't, you just wanna fuck her and chuck her away like a piece
of trash. You complete fucking
bastard...Shit!!! ” He thumped the
steering wheel with his fists, in fury.
    Adrian was
    Ashton had
only seen his temper a few times, when it wasn't directed at him,
and it was something to behold. Ash didn't want to be on the
receiving end of what could only be described as an Adrian-style
world meltdown. He needed to calm him without losing face. In truth
Ash depended on him and didn't want to have a rift forming in their
very amenable relationship.
    “ Oh do calm down, please! I never said she looked like her,
just that there were similarities between them. In any case, what I
do, what Nicole does, and what you do, are our own affairs, aren't
they? At this point, neither of us know Nicole at all. I just want
to know, why are you so fixated on her, Adrian?”
    “ I've already told you, I just like her, period. It's an
instant attraction. How about you tell me why you're so goddamn
interested in her? You never, ever, date brunettes. Never . She's
nothing like the girls you go for. Looks or
    “ Appearance isn't a conscious decision for me. And I happen to
like lots of things about her, if you must know. She appeals to
me... in a completely different way than women usually do. On lots
of different levels. She's challenging... I can't explain it. But I
want to explore that appeal a little further. It could be prove to
be very interesting to see her effect on me and my effect on
    “ What the fuck? Her effect on you? What is she, a fucking
guinea-pig test case? Look Ash, we both want her, that's clear. So,
it's all-out war, is it?”
    “ Don't be ridiculous, Adrian. I'm not fighting a war with you
over a woman we don't even know yet. There's no war to be fought. I
don't intend to keep her for long and I'll leave her as unfucked up
as I can for you, that's my best offer.”
    “ What? .. .Shit! I'm ending this convo right now, because you know what,
you're winding me up big-time. But I guess we both know where we
stand over Nicole now, don't we?”
    Adrian drew
the privacy window across and turned on his appalling house music,
very loudly, just to vex Ashton further.
    As far as
Nicole was concerned there was no question of Ashton bowing out. He
was very interested in her. And she was going to be around for a
week or so, working closely with him. It was no contest. The war
was already fought and won. Adrian could never compete with him. He
ought to know that and accept the inevitable fact that he was
second in line with Nicole.
    But he had to
admit, if he'd drawn anything of use from the heated conversation
he'd just had, Adrian had drawn his attention to one important
issue. Nicole, CJ and women aside, he needed something of substance
to care about in his life. He ought to pay more attention to that.
Perhaps he should explore religion, and get in touch with his soul
somehow? Assuming he had one, because he sometimes doubted it. He
needed a voyage of discovery, to find out what the inner Ashton
Gates really wanted. That special something that would make him
content and happy. But where to start on such a quest, he had no
    He sat
quietly, thinking, as they edged slowly through the rush hour
traffic approaching St Paul's Cathedral. They turned into the
one-way road system and headed towards Barbican and a few moments
later arrived outside her office.
    The door
opened immediately and she walked down the steps. Ashton noticed
she'd changed and looked very different to earlier in the day,
wearing a far more glamorous outfit. Her short black dress hugged
her curves perfectly and some skyscraper high heels lengthened her
    And her hair
was down. It

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