Arctic Bound

Read Online Arctic Bound by Tigris Eden - Free Book Online

Book: Arctic Bound by Tigris Eden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tigris Eden
Tags: Romance, paranormal romance, Erotic Romance, multicultural
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    â€œCompliments of Mr. Varangian.”
    Who was that?
    â€œAnd who would that be?” Anika questioned, looking around the club for their would be drink patron.
    â€œOh, he’s the owner of the club, everyone calls him Blue. But to his staff, it’s Mr. Varangian.” The waitress said with a sigh. Either she was high, or stupid. Her eyes dilated at the mention of her employer’s name. The man was fine, but damn, he didn’t warrant that kind of reaction. You didn’t think so five minutes ago.
    â€œSend the drinks back.” Raven instructed.
    The waitress’ eyes widen in shocked, as if a courtesy extended by the owner was never rejected.
    â€œI can’t do that. No one ever says no.”
    â€œYeah, well date rape is not on our bucket list, so the answer is still no. Send the drinks back.”
    Raven’s voice was harsh brooking no argument from the waitress who turned quickly on her heel and rushed over to the bar where she whispered to another girl. Both of them turned in their direction starring as if Raven had grown and additional head, along with extra arms and legs.
    â€œOur mark is here, and he seems to be with his brother.” Myieko said, standing to head into the crowd.
    Nerina turned looking out on the floor and didn’t see a man with a scar on his face. Myieko had walked around the cage once, then made her way to the back of the club where she could keep an eye on things.
    â€œRina?” Kenzie called, drawing her attention back to the other girls seated around her.
    â€œTells us everything you know about your friend Victor.”
    ï¡ï€ ï¡ï€ ï¡
    â€œYou’re such a loser man.” Colin joked as Victor made his way back into the owner’s lounge where Blue sat nursing a whiskey.
    â€œHow so?”
    His brother grunted.
    â€œDid you really think the human was going to go for you?”
    No he didn’t think that, he knew it. She wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. Only, he shouldn’t have acted on it. It was a good thing too; she was decked out in silver. Her arm was covered, hell her top had been made of it. It was like she knew she’d be surrounded by werewolves. But he could still smell her sweet scent. It called to him, tempted him to say fuck the silver and go for the gold. There was something also grating his brain that he couldn’t quite put his finger on when it came to her friends. They were familiar but they weren’t. All five women were outfitted in silver in some form or fashion. The bouncer at the door had only let them in under Blue’s watchful approval. Their hands had been stamped with a different sort of ink than the rest of the club goers and members, alerting them that they had silver on their persons. It was a dangerous game they played, but the patrons of the club knew the risks if they chose to engage the women.
    Dread was slowly creeping into his psyche as he replayed his earlier encounter with the elusive Nerina Simpson. She’d come to his town six months ago. She kept weapons at her cabin and on her body. A car was registered to someone that wasn’t her, and now she was here at the club, covered in silver. Maybe she was a Hunter. Somehow she’s tricked Demon into thinking she was normal, but in reality she was something else.
    â€œHey are you listening to me man?” Colin interrupted his thoughts, and Blue stared out into the crowd, like the overlord Viking he was. He lorded over the people in Eden’s Den. Sitting on the plush couch, one leg crossed at the knee, a hand resting along the back as he brooded. Victor never understood why the wolf even showed his face, he never took any pleasure for himself. He only gave it.
    â€œWhat’s on your mind Canidae?” Blue said, his Nordic accent subtle but still there. Victor didn’t answer right away, as he was still trying to reconcile the information that was floating in his

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