Amethyst Destiny

Read Online Amethyst Destiny by Pamela Montgomerie - Free Book Online

Book: Amethyst Destiny by Pamela Montgomerie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Montgomerie
skittish as a new filly.”
    “There’s nothing new about me.”
    His expression and voice softened. “’Tis no shame being unused to a man’s touch, lass.”
    Unused . . . ? “I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
    “Not at all.”
    “Have ye a husband, then?”
    “No. And I never will.”
    “Never? Do ye prefer the lasses, then?”
    Julia rolled her eyes. “I am not having this discussion with you. No, I don’t prefer women. But that doesn’t mean I want or need a husband. Or you.”
    He pulled and tugged at the lacings, working them tight down the front of the jacket. “But ye do want me.”
    “In your dreams.” Her body might be hot and bothered by his overwhelming presence, but that was a natural reaction to being too close to a far too masculine man. Something she generally avoided.
    “You respond to me, Julia,” he said softly. “Your body warms to me. Dinna think I cannot tell.”
    That sexy know-it-all smile was really getting on her nerves. She grabbed his hands. “Let go. I can finish.”
    He ignored her, watching her with a gentle intensity. “The lad who took your virginity. Did he hurt ye?”
    “No. And it’s none of your damn business anyway.”
    “You’ve a mouth on ye, lass.”
    “Go to hell.”
    “Did ye find it . . . pleasing?” His hands had stilled on the laces. He continued to watch her with that probing gaze.
    She looked away. “Sure. Of course.”
    God, what a liar. It had been awful. The worst two weeks of her life. She was mortified to feel the heat rising up her neck and into her face.
    “’Tis rarely pleasant for a lass the first time,” Talon said quietly.
    “Yeah, well, there was a second time, and a third.” With a defiant lift of her chin, she met his gaze. “I’ve had four lovers, Braveheart. Enough experience to know you’re not my type. I’m through talking about my love life, so finish dressing me and back off.”
    With her words, his eyes had narrowed, the smile dying from his mouth. She saw the disapproval plain as day, and it hurt.
    “Don’t you dare judge me, Talon,” she said heatedly. “Things are different in my world. Sleeping with lots of men is normal.”
    If only she could believe it herself. And maybe she would if they’d been relationships strung out over years. But they hadn’t been. And she judged herself bitterly.
    Talon’s jaw hardened as he turned his attention to her laces. Finishing quickly, he turned away.
    “Ye’ll stay here.” The flirt was gone. All humor and softness had fled.
    A fist tightened in her chest.
    He strode to the door, his back to her. “As the chaplain, I have responsibilities I must fulfill. I’ll return when I can.” Without a backward glance, he left, shutting the door behind him.
    Julia stared at the door as the flush of embarrassment receded, stealing the blood from her face. She sank onto the bed, cradling her head in her hands, feeling emotionally battered. She knew enough history to know that in this time there was only one word for an unmarried woman who’d known four men. Whore.
    Not that she cared what he thought.
    She dug her fingers into her hair, tears starting to burn her eyes. Okay, maybe she did care, but she had no one to blame but herself. There was no reason in the world he’d needed to know her sexual history, but he’d been acting too sure of himself and she’d been feeling a little too unsettled by him.
    Stupid, Julia.
    But, honestly, did it matter? Her only goal was to figure out what she had to do to get out of here. Once she did, she’d never see him again.
    And that couldn’t happen soon enough.


    Talon muttered under his breath as he sprinkled water along the inner walls of the Great Hall, pretending to be blessing the room with holy water, as he had the others. After last night’s blast of magic, the castle’s scarce inhabitants were skittish and fearful, looking to him to protect them from the evil spirits.
    But if any got too

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