Amethyst Destiny

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Book: Amethyst Destiny by Pamela Montgomerie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Montgomerie
for a wee spell. Mayhap we can figure out why you’re here.”
    She stared at him as she tore off another chunk of lamb with her teeth, then nodded, the stiffness draining from her body as if the mere promise of escape was enough to keep the desperation at bay. She sank onto the bed and pulled the tray onto her lap, careful not to spill a drop. Her fury seemed to dissipate as she devoured the meal.
    Not until the food was more than half gone did she look up at him again, pleasure warm in her eyes. “This lamb is amazing. The best I’ve had.”
    The praise for the food pleased him almost as much as that glimpse of warmth. “The cook is surprisingly fine to have been left behind when the marquess is not in residence.”
    “Do you know the marquess?” She took another bite.
    “Nay. I’ve not been to Castle Rayne before a fortnight ago. I’d not be here now if not for the ring.” He eyed the bed beside her and took a step toward her, intending to sit at her side and test the attraction he knew existed between them. But as she realized his intent, she stiffened, her hand stilling, her supper forgotten. So he changed his path and leaned against the wall, instead.
    Julia watched him warily as she finished taking the bite. He would test that attraction later, when it wouldn’t interfere with her meal.
    “Why are you looking for the chalice?” she asked.
    “I’ve been paid to do so.”
    “Someone hired you to find it?”
    “They know about your magic ring?”
    “Nay. None know of it. None know I have magic at all. But for you.”
    She eyed him, a lovely brown eye pinning him. “1688. Isn’t this prime witch-burning time?”
    “’Tis why I tell no one.”
    “They just think you’re really good at finding things?”
    “Aye. The Wizard they call me.”
    To his surprise, a flash of humor gleamed in her eyes. “Cute. And ironic.”
    Many of her words made little sense to him, but he gathered their meaning through context well enough. Cute meant nothing to him, but ironic he understood. And he’d, too, oft thought it ironic he was known as the Wizard.
    Her expression sobered as she chewed another bite. His gaze lingered on her mouth and he watched the movement of those supple lips, wondering if she would taste as good as she smelled. He was certain she would. A small, secret smile lifted his spirits. He’d find out for himself soon enough.
    “You’re really taking a risk trusting me with the truth, aren’t you?” A glimmer of wariness entered her eyes.
    “Aye. But not so much, I’m thinkin’. You’re an outlander, lass. Your speech and hair give ye away as not Scottish, though most will have trouble placing your origins. Nay, I dinna think most will listen to you if you accuse me of magic. And if they believe magic’s been done, they’ll almost certainly point the finger at you.”
    Julia watched him thoughtfully. “You’re probably right.” She finished her meal, leaving not a morsel uneaten, then set the tray aside and rose from the bed. At the washstand, she rinsed her fingers with a bit of water from the washbasin and dried them on her skirts.
    He watched her, intrigued by the grace with which she moved. When she turned, fervent desire lit her eyes and sent his pulse soaring. The blood pounded through his veins, gathering between his legs. He was about to close the distance between them when she spoke.
    “To the tower?” she asked hopefully.
    Belatedly, he realized the desire in her eyes had naught to do with him and everything to do with freedom from her day’s confinement. He stood rooted, struggling to gain control.
    Jesu. A simple look and she had him nearly on his knees with wanting her. He whirled away from her, picked up the lantern, and opened the door. Neither seeing nor hearing anyone, he held out his hand to her, not terribly surprised when she ignored it.
    Her fury might have dissipated, but she was far from smitten with him. A temptation and a challenge she would be, of

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