
Read Online Redemption by La Kuehlke - Free Book Online

Book: Redemption by La Kuehlke Read Free Book Online
Authors: La Kuehlke
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
strand. Bryan remembered her as cute but not beautiful, not like the woman he was looking at now. Had she been a late bloomer, or had he just been that oblivious when they were younger? He allowed his eyes to study her figure, taking note of the way the lines of her body curved in places he remembered being straight.
    Like a kid.
    Little Cassidy Baker was most definitely not a kid anymore.
    She caught him staring and tilted her head to the side, placing one hand on her hip. “Yes? I know I have that whole post-sleep look right now, but is it so amusing that you have to stare?”
    What Bryan wanted to say was that he was watching her because she took his breath away, because, for some strange reason, every move of hers calmed him, because he found himself wondering what it would feel like to have her fingers in his hair, her hands on him. Instead he smiled his most charming smile.
    “When did you grow up, Cassidy Baker?” he asked.
    “It was a natural progression, I assure you.” She smiled. It was radiant.
    “And now you’re turning thirty,” he said.
    Cassidy shrugged. “Actually, I won’t be too sad to see my twenties go. I’m hoping my thirties are ten better years.”
    “Every decade has it’s own share of crap,” Bryan replied sourly. Whatever mood worked to struggle to the surface for air was gone. Swallowed by his own blackness. “You ready to go?”
    “I’m ready,” she said, nodding and picking up her coat.
    She didn’t seem to notice the change in him, which suited Bryan just fine. He didn’t need to entertain anything that might want to claw its way from the depths of his soul, anyway. He wasn’t here to make new friends or connect with old pseudo-friends. He was here for a job. Still, walking beside her, he couldn’t help but notice how much easier it was to breathe.
    When they came down the stairs together, both Carrie and Nick shared the same expression of surprise and trepidation. Bryan expected the surprise. It was the other half of the look that had him wondering if maybe he hadn’t done as good a job at looking all put back together as he thought. Most of it was coming from Nick, and he got a strong sense of protectiveness behind the wary look in his eyes.
    Protect her from what? From me?
    Bryan zipped his coat. “Cassidy is going to take me to get a car,” he announced, a bit more abruptly than he intended.
    She caught the change in his voice and gave him a quizzical look. It’s not like they were doing anything wrong. Turning to Carrie she said, “You know you have a list. I’ll make sure Bryan gets back to his hotel in one piece.” She wrapped her scarf around her neck and took her mittens out of her pocket.
    Carrie smiled, and Cassidy noticed a slight hint of conspiracy in the way her lips curved upward. “Well, all right. Have a fun time.”
    Bryan and Cassidy nodded in unison before making eye contact and a beeline for the front door.
    “That was weird,” Cassidy said, once the door closed behind them.
    “I don’t think they trust me to be alone with you,” Bryan explained, amused.
    Cassidy leaned over and bumped his arm, a tiny bit playful, a tiny bit flirtatious. “Maybe it’s that they don’t trust me with you .” She laughed.
    “You’re probably right. I’m sure they’re just afraid you’ll corrupt my good character and lead me astray.”
    “That’s got to be it,” she said and giggled.
    They grinned at each other, and Bryan found himself feeling lighter. It wasn’t the same as the way Mara made him feel, but it still made him want more. After just these few minutes, he had to admit that he liked being near Cassidy. She was kind, she was someone good, and she was gorgeous. He wondered, though, why the stone around his neck seemed to burn hotter and grow heavier with each minute he spent near her. Whether it was his imagination or his guilt, he realized he didn’t care.
    Bastion watched them get into Cassidy’s car and pull out of the driveway. In

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