
Read Online AlphainHiding by Lea Barrymire - Free Book Online

Book: AlphainHiding by Lea Barrymire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Barrymire
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and the sound wound around his cock.
    “Raw? I don’t even like my meat medium rare. How am I
supposed to eat something like that?” The images of wolves sporting bloody jaws
from nature films played through his mind. His stomach rolled. “Oh, uck. I
don’t think I can do this. There’s going to be blood, right? I don’t like
    She looked at him with something close to disgust before
turning and heading toward the stairs. “Too bad, wolf boy. We’re going and
you’re going to love it. Just let your wolf be in control. He’ll know what to
    He watched her sashay off the deck and start pulling her
clothes off. He still couldn’t get over her openness about nudity. He loved
that she stripped in front of him, but it caused issues in his pants. Once
again he would be erect while nude in front of her. He blushed but pushed his
jeans off his legs. He pulled his wolf forward in his mind and relished the
transformation. The faster he could get into fur, the faster he could hide his
obvious pleasure at seeing her naked.
    He grinned a toothy smile when she took off into the woods
with a quick glance at him over her furry shoulder. For once his two sides were
in complete agreement. They wanted to chase her down, and once she was caught,
they wanted to make her submit. Seth wanted to pull her under him in either
form and sink his cock into her body. His wolf wanted to claim her, brand her
with his scent and his mark. He jumped off the deck and raced into the woods
after her. A throaty growl rumbled in his chest as he caught her scent.
    As they ran farther and farther into the forest, he noticed
other scents started to invade his thoughts. With his heightened sense of smell
he could distinguish between different animals that had recently passed across
his path. A few scents had him wanting to follow them, to find out what had
made them, but he followed Emily’s trail. His wolf didn’t want her too far from
him. He caught sight of her and slowed his pace, approaching her on silent
    When he was shoulder to shoulder with his dark female, she
put her nose to the ground and looked expectantly at him. Not having her inside
his thoughts made this part of being in fur so much more difficult. He
understood her actions, though, and sniffed the ground. The scent was
mouthwatering and strong. She inclined her head and stood watching him. He
swiveled his head in the direction of the scent and gave in to the urge to
chase it down.
    The closer they got to the animal they chased, the more Seth
gave in to his wolf side. It knew where to step for silence, how to move through
the branches without catching them in his fur. He was astounded how instinctive
all of it could be if he trusted that side of himself. He caught a glimpse of a
brown body streaking through the brush not far in front of them. He poured on
the speed. He wanted that animal with a predatory need. He was salivating
enough that it was dripping from his jaws.
    He broke through a stand of trees into a small clearing and
saw the deer they were following. From the corner of his eye he could see Emily
racing toward the prey, ears pinned back on her head and her mouth open. They
worked together, instinctively forcing the doe along a path that put her
between them. He could sense the panic on the breeze and took a leap at the
deer’s flank. Teeth sunk into flesh just as the animal bleated in terror. Emily
launched herself at the doe’s throat, cutting off the noise. Between them they
pulled the deer down to the ground. Emily kept her jaws clamped on the animal’s
throat until it stopped moving, then she backed off the kill and waited,
watching Seth.
    Adrenaline coursed through his body as he looked at the
animal. In the back of his mind he understood what they’d done from a human
perspective, but from the wolf’s view he’d just hunted and taken down prey with
his female. He approached her with the intent of nuzzling her but she bared her
teeth at him

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