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Book: AlphainHiding by Lea Barrymire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Barrymire
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and growled. Right. No touching. Instead he turned to their kill
and just gave in to the wants of his wolf. With sharp teeth he bit into the
carcass and put his mind to eating from his first successful hunt.
    Emily watched Seth with a mixture of pride and amusement. He
was a dainty eater for a wolf, but he was enjoying the meal. She couldn’t quite
wrap her mind around the fact that she wasn’t eating but was sitting on her
haunches, watching him ingest large quantities of meat. Her wolf side had
refused to eat anything from their kill. Instead she sat watching, swooning in
a wolfy way at the big, strong male. Fan-fucking-tastic. Her wolf had her mind
made up about this male. Against her better judgment her wolf was assuming that
he was their mate.
    After that kiss on the deck she didn’t know if she would
fight the idea of being his mate either. It had taken every ounce of strength
not to strip him and mount him right there. She was thankful that he wasn’t
able to decipher scents yet because she had almost been drowning in their mixed
lust. She’d been so wet that she’d refused to undress on the deck with him,
afraid he would see the moisture on her panties. Seth did something to her that
no other male had ever been able to do. He had crawled under her skin and made
her react to him on a very primal level. She craved his touch. She wanted to
feel him, skin to skin, with such need that it was impossible to separate her
feelings for him from her wolf’s. They were definitely a pair, given the way
she was lusting after this male with such wanton abandon.
    Seth’s yip broke her from her thoughts. His muzzle was
covered in blood and his belly was rounded from all the meat he’d just
swallowed. He looked pointedly at the carcass and tilted his head. Yep, he’d
noticed her weird behavior. Great. She stepped forward and made the effort to
eat instead of doing what she really wanted to do. There was no way she was
going to admit her need to clean his muzzle with her tongue. Nope—she wasn’t
going to give in.

Chapter Nine
    “So what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day?” Seth’s
question disturbed the quiet they had shared since returning from their run.
They both sat in Adirondack chairs on the deck, sipping coffee. The run back to
the cabin had burned off some of their meal but they were both too full to do
much more than sit around.
    “Well, I was thinking that we should extend our little
vacation until tomorrow.” Emily turned to watch his reaction to her words.
“You’ve changed a lot since we arrived yesterday. Your senses are stronger,
your allergies seem to be gone, you’re acting more the shifter and less the
human. I think another day would benefit you greatly. We can go for another run
later, or tomorrow morning if you want.”
    “I could stay another day. That’s the joy of working for
yourself, right?” His voice was noncommittal but he reeked of excitement and
the ever-present hint of arousal.
    She couldn’t help laughing. “You know I can smell your
emotions, right?”
    He grinned at her and she almost didn’t swallow the gasp
fast enough. Gone was the boyish grin of yesterday. In its place was a
confident, sexy smile that looked more predatory and less innocent. What had
she woken in this male?
    He nodded. “I know. I just didn’t want to jump up and down
shouting like a little kid. So, we stay ‘til tomorrow.”
    “All right,” she agreed. With the decision made, she looked
out over the railing, staring into the woods. She didn’t want to admit the
uneasiness she felt around him, but with the changes in him came changes to her
feelings about him. Long gone were the protective emotions. In their place were
compulsions she just couldn’t give in to. No matter how cute he was, she just
couldn’t take a mate after only a few days. What if the changes regressed and
he went back to being a weak male? She shuddered at the thought.
    His voice broke the silence again. “How

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