Alexander Ranch

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Book: Alexander Ranch by Marla Josephs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Josephs
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wood and cloth linen. There were two women sitting at a table near the wall opposite a buffet that had been set out. They were chatting while they ate and they both looked up and waived at Daisy when we came in.
    “Wow, is this a special occasion?” I gestured to the food spread out along the wall in serving dishes.
    “No, we always feed the staff lunch,” Daisy shrugged, grabbed a plate and started to load it up with salad, grilled chicken, half a Panini and some pasta salad. I chose some pasta salad and a green salad with berries in it. After filling our plates, I followed Daisy over to the table where the two young woman were sitting that I’d observed when we came in.
    “Hey,” Daisy said in greeting taking a place at the table. “Lela, this is Maya and this is Rene.”
    I nodded in greeting to each of them in turn as Daisy introduced them. “Pleased to meet you both.”
    I sat down and began to dig into my food with gusto. I was hungry. The green and berry salad tasted as though it had been tossed in a deliciously fruity vinaigrette.
    “I told you it was her,” the girl named Maya chimed to Rene. She had a silky, throaty voice that matched her tan coloring somehow.
    “You’re the one that saved Ethan?” Rene, a bubbly little strawberry blond with a high pitch voice squeaked in delight. “Everyone has been talking about you. Wow, I’m so glad to meet you.”
    “Uh, I didn’t really save Ethan,” I clarified.
    “Well, you know what I mean,” Rene giggled. In fact, I didn’t know what she meant nor did I know what to say to that, so I said nothing.
    We looked up as Ethan entered along with Ricky and Beto. Rene’s flush grew darker. Maya glanced over at Rene, rolled her eyes, and forked up some salad. I wasn’t sure which one of the new arrivals Rene was interested in, but clearly one of these guys had her interest.
    Ethan, Ricky and Beto grabbed plates, and like Daisy, piled them with enormous amounts of food. Then, they made their way over to our table. Our table only sat four, but Ethan grabbed a nearby table and effortlessly dragged it over to ours while Ricky and Beto grabbed chairs. Ethan sat right next to me , and I realized who had Rene’s interest as her eyes followed his every move.
    “Ladies,” Ethan said, setting his plate down beside mine acknowledging Rene and Maya. Beto took a seat near Maya and Ricky sat next to Beto.
    “Hey, Ethan,” Maya replied easily. “Glad you’re still among us.”
    “So, am I,” he chuckled wryly before turning to me. “So, how’s your day going?”
    “Fine,” I replied cheerily as I watched Rene’s hopeful face fall. She’d clearly been hoping that Ethan would sit next to her. Awkward. Luckily Grace and Logan also made an appearance. They came in and came over to greet us before getting their food.
    “How’s your first day going, Lela?” Grace asked.
    “Great. It’s going great. I haven’t really done any work though. Daisy’s been showing me around,” I replied. “Are you two going to join us?”
    “No, we have some more work to do,” Logan said and Grace blushed. “We just stopped to grab a couple of plates.”
    I was not going to touch that one. I smiled and said no more.
    Daisy, however, had no problem continuing that line of conversation. “Well, from the way Grace is blushing I hope you guys lock the door and keep the noise down while you… work.”
    “Daisy!” Grace admonished. Ethan and everyone else at the table giggled, laughed or cat called. I sat silently, both trying not to laugh, and feeling embarrassed for Grace.
    “Will do,” Logan winked, grabbed his wife’s hand and pulled her away. They loaded up plates of food and Logan hustled her out of the dining hall. Grace, still blushing, did not look our way again.
    “Where would you like to work?” Daisy asked after her sister and brother in law left the room.
    “Well, wherever I’m needed, I guess.”
    “I’m sure you could help out anywhere, but I have a

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