Alexander Ranch

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Book: Alexander Ranch by Marla Josephs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Josephs
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likely put you in danger. The men we are looking for have been very careful. We found a great deal of evidence not far from the spot where you encountered them. And, they know you can identify them, or at least assume you can.”
    “I’m really not sure I could.”
    “That’s ok. The fact that they think you could, puts you in danger. They are exceptionally good at finding people.”
    “So, you had me assigned here to protect me?” I asked skeptically.
    “Primarily, yes. But, I assure you we’ll have plenty of work for you to do. If there are any functions you don’t wish to perform, that is fine. I just ask that you provide veterinary care whenever it’s needed. I understand your company provides animal training, grooming, and boarding services as well?”
    “Yes, we do.”
    “And, I understand you participate in a great deal of all of that?”
    “Yes, I do.”
    “Well then, participate in whatever areas you would like. We always have plenty to do around here taking care of the animals.”
    “So, you run some sort of agency and a farm?” I couldn’t help asking. The two didn’t seem to go together.
    He smiled indulgently, “What can I say? We all like animals.”
    “I can’t just do nothing when there aren’t any veterinary needs.”
    “Sure you can, if that’s what you choose. Also, we don’t want to put a strain on your work at Hanley’s. Feel free to catch up on any work there. If you need to visit the facilities or go into your office that can be arranged, also. We only ask that you please do not go anywhere without security. Daisy, Jordan, and Ethan are your revolving security detail. One or all of them will be with you at all times.”
    I frowned at the mention of Jordan’s name.
    “Ignore Jordan,” he said. I was really starting to wonder if these people could read minds. “He’s just going through some things right now. It’s not you.”
    I looked at him in total confusion. I didn’t dare acknowledge the Jordan issue. Instead I focused on all this security. This was unreal. Did I really need this protection they all seemed to think I did? They didn’t know I was a second degree black belt. I just wanted my old, normal, boring, overworked life back.
    “I really do appreciate you’re offer. But, I’m not sure this is the best thing for me.”
    “What do you mean?” His voice was mild and curious.
    “Well, I mean I just want my old life back.”
    “Well, I can hardly insist that your work for us. We can definitely still protect you if you choose not to.”
    “What if I don’t want the protection?” My voice was low and weak. I had a feeling that part was not negotiable, and I was right.
    “I’m sorry,” he said with true understanding in his eyes. “Look, I know this is a lot. I completely respect your desire to live your life without this new intrusion, but we deal with this every day and know just how dangerous these people are. I couldn’t live with myself if we didn’t do all that we could to protect you. However, I promise we will do everything we can to lessen the impact on your life. If you don’t want to work here we will figure something else out. But, may I suggest you try it out for a day or so before making your final decision?”
    I decided that was a reasonable request after a few moments of contemplation. So, I agreed. A day or two wouldn’t be so bad.
    “Y ou should know that we feel there is a good chance these people are very likely to come after you, so be on your guard.”
    “Even here?”
    “Anything is possible. It’s not as likely here, but if someone did come it would be easier to protect you here. We are all on alert and anticipating trouble. You being here limits the potential target areas where they could make a move. It will make it easier to catch them if they do try to make a move against you, which I’m pretty sure they will.”
    “So, in essence, I am bait?”
    “Well, yes, but not because we want you to be. You are already a

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