Abnormal Lives

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Book: Abnormal Lives by Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae
officer,” Stefan said.
    â€œYou should be thankful; we could’ve hauled y’all asses downtown along with your friend here, but based on the reports we got from some of the witnesses, we decided to cut your asses a break. So if I was you boys, I’d run my asses on home ’fore we change our minds,” the officer said.
    They all paused for a minute. Stefan and Paris stood there, pissed, wanting to be defiant in order to regain their pride, but the others that accompanied them didn’t feel the same way. They felt like getting the fuck out of there before the man did change his mind. A couple of them slowly departed across the street, Simone followed suit and shortly afterward, Stefan and Paris did the same.

    S imone and Stefan sat outside in the parking lot of the Courtyard by Marriott on West Broad Street. They hadn’t said much to each other between getting dressed and arriving there. Simone was exhausted and Stefan was still in a funk about the incident at the pool. Stefan asked Simone to stop by the store on their way to the hotel so he could get a pack of cigarettes. Stefan hadn’t smoked since he and Eugene had become an item. Eugene couldn’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke and was completely turned off by it. Stefan decided he would rather be without the cigarettes than be without Eugene, so he stopped smoking. But after the stress of that evening, Stefan disregarded Eugene’s feelings, and calming his nerves became his top priority.
    Stefan struggled to free the cigarettes from the plastic that sealed them. He became frustrated and threw the pack against the dashboard. He grabbed his head and squealed before retrieving them from the floor.
    Stefan began to unravel the plastic and turned to look at the lock on the car door. “And, you’ll start locking these doors when somebody slide in here beside you and slit your throat,” he snapped at Simone.
    Simone continued to clean her nails with her ice pick, not uttering a single word. Stefan was upset and whenever he was, he always found something to nag the hell out of her about. She never locked her car doors and he never had an issue with it upuntil then. Sometimes she would leave it outside for hours with the top down and never had a problem with anyone trying to steal it or with any of her belongings coming up missing, unless it was a pen or pack of gum that Stefan confiscated from the glove compartment. She didn’t give Stefan’s comment a second thought.
    Simone sat in the car, trying not to doze off. If it were anyone else, she would’ve rescheduled but she couldn’t wait to get acquainted with her sexy new client and take him up on his offer.
    Stefan flicked the ashes from his cigarette out of the window. “I swear that muthafucka made me so mad, I could’ve plucked his fucking eyes out.”
    â€œI know,” Simone said. “What do you think is going to happen to Crystal?”
    â€œShit, you know Paris got him. They’re like you and me; they’re gonna look out for each other.”
    â€œWhat happened to Jewel?”
    Stefan cut his eyes at Simone. “What you think happened to him? He bounced.”
    â€œWell, that’s your friend.”
    â€œCorrection,” Stefan said, snapping his fingers. “That’s Paris’s friend and I doubt if Paris will still fuck with him after this shit.”
    Simone shook her head. “Jewel is terrible.”
    â€œHe’s a pussy.”
    Simone leaned back in her seat and placed her hands behind her head, waiting for Stefan to elaborate on his comment.
    â€œWe all be walking ’round here primping, trying to be cute and shit, but when it’s time to brawl, it’s time to brawl.” Stefan pulled his cigarette before he became roused. “It’s time to put that bitch shit on hold and handle business.”
    Simone nodded. She understood where Stefan was coming from but, on the other

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