Abnormal Lives

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Book: Abnormal Lives by Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae
hand, she wondered had he considered that Jeweldidn’t crave drama like he did. Yeah, Jewel liked to party, drink, and get high, along with all the other bullshit they were into, but when it came to fighting, he didn’t want any parts of it. And although Crystal was a bit temperamental, he seemed to stray away from trouble until he felt like it could no longer be avoided. It was only Stefan and Paris who were on a hunt for it.

    Simone and Stefan sat at a small table in a room on the second floor of the hotel. They looked out of the window, watching the cars that cruised up and down Broad Street as they waited for Ivan to retrieve his friend from the adjoining room.
    Stefan sighed. “I hope my client’s as fine as that thing you’re gonna be romping with tonight.”
    Simone looked at Stefan and smiled. “He probably will be. You know what they say; birds of a feather...”
    â€œWell, I hope this little birdie has a tongue he wants to put to work as badly as yours does.”
    Ivan swung open the door to the adjoining room and stepped to the side as his friend walked in. Stefan’s eyes widened and Simone smirked as they eyed the blond, spike-haired man. Tattoos overlapped his face and thoroughly covered both arms. Strains of thread hung loosely from the arms of his tee where the sleeves had been torn off and his stomach protruded and hung over his black boot-cut jeans. He turned to Stefan and smiled, revealing his enamel-striped teeth. He then walked over and extended his hand to Stefan.
    â€œYou must be Stefan. I’m Earl.”
    Stefan reached out his hand and Earl kissed it. Stefan looked at Simone and rolled his eyes. He was pissed and Simone was tickledto the point of no return. Stefan’s face turned three different shades of red and Simone’s grin became broader with the change in his color.
    Earl motioned toward the door. “I think it’s time to retreat to my quarters, don’t you?”
    Stefan sighed and made his way to the door where Earl stood.
    Earl leaned forward and licked Stefan on his lips. “Smile; we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight.”
    They walked into the adjoining room and shut the door.
    Ivan turned to Simone and smiled. “Would you like something to drink?”
    â€œSure, why not.”
    Ivan’s smile made Simone wonder what sort of acts Stefan might’ve begun to perform on the not-so-handsome, gray-toothed man in the next room. She sat there with her hands on her stomach, giggling to herself as she imagined what Stefan was being subjected to.

    Paris stood in front of the altar in the corner of his room. His naked body was still wet from his ritual bath. He allowed the warm breeze coming in from his window to dry his body as he prepared for his spell work. He held his intention clear in his mind while he anointed a purple candle with Just Judge oil. The purpose of his spell was to get the charges against Crystal thrown out at his preliminary hearing. Paris invoked Isis, lit the candle, knelt in front of his altar, and prayed Psalms 37 repeatedly.
    Paris had been interested in the occult since his mother had taken him to a New Age bookstore. His mother was desperate for his father to come home. His father had left a week earlier.He had gotten his mistress pregnant. Paris overheard his father explain to his mother how he could not walk away from his mistress, how she was so young and vulnerable. Paris listened as his father asked his mother what kind of man he would be if he turned his back on his mistress after planting his seed, knowing she had no one else to look out for her. Paris watched his mother beg his father to stay as she tried to wrestle the trash bag he carried his belongings in out of his hand. His father shoved his mother away and walked out of the door. Paris hoped his father never came back. He was tired of his father’s criticism about the tone of his voice and how he held his head down and

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