Lucky Number Four

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Book: Lucky Number Four by Amanda Jason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Jason
do what we want.”
    I’m surprised at his revelation that they’re
all going to be hanging around for the next few months. My classes
end the second week of December, and I was hoping I would have the
whole apartment to myself. They’ll probably have wild parties every
night, and though I like parties just as much as the next person,
there’s no way I’ll fit in. Yes, I enjoyed the first night at the
apartment and was shocked at the normal people they had over, but a
party … I’m sure that will be different.
    “Earth to Dora,” Grandma says loudly, and I
cringe at being in the spotlight, knowing anything could come out
of her mouth. “Great, now that I have your attention. I was a
little upset when I heard you’d moved in with three men. I don’t
believe in single people of the opposite sex sharing a space
together. But when I realized they were, how do you say? I heard it
on a talk show the other day. Batter up? No, that’s not it. It has
something to do with bats though. Now, what was it?”
    “There you go again. Do you even think before
you talk, Alice? I swear. I, for one, don’t approve of her living
with these…men. Even though they’re different. It’s not what a
proper young lady should do.” Grandmother is on a roll.
    “I know what it was!” Grandma yells, ignoring
Grandmother. “It’s called ‘bat for the other team,’” she says
smugly, as if she’s just answered the final Jeopardy question and won all the money.
    Mike and the three hot stuffs can’t hold back
their laughter. Suddenly, we’re all laughing, except for Mom and
the Grands’. Poor Mom. What did she expect? Having the minister
from our church over wasn’t even enough to stop the Grands’, so why
would she think this time would be any different?
    “Okay, that’s enough, Mom and Beatrice. Let’s
eat,” my mom demands, and of course the two elders act so innocent.
The food is delicious, and I finally start relaxing, hoping the
worst is over.
    I spend most of my time after dinner doing
the dishes. I don’t want to hear the conversation in our living
room. God only knows what’s being discussed. A reluctant Bridget
and Julie join me—after I grab their arms and drag them into the
    “Gosh, D, how the heck did you end up with
them? I mean, really, do you know who they are? They’re famous!”
Bridget takes the dish from my hand and absently begins drying it,
a dreamy look on her face. “They’re not gay, are they? Tell the
truth. I swear I won’t tell.” She rambles on and Julie just stands
there smiling.
    “No, they’re not,” I say, handing Julie a
dish to dry.
    “Oh, wow. Wait until I tell the posse. It’s
not fair Dad took my phone. I mean, geez, did he think I’d call all
of them and have them come over and share this with me? Well, I
might have. I mean, who’s going to believe they were here? I need a
phone, D, please?” Bridget’s blue eyes plead with mine.
    “We don’t need any more drama, but maybe I
can take a picture of you with them. Okay?” I say, taking pity on
my poor sis.
    “OMG that would be so awesome!” Bridget’s
smile can’t get any larger.
    “I wish I smoked or drank,” my mom’s voice
startles us.
    “Mom, is that appropriate to say to your
daughters?” I say, including Julie because she is my sister in
every way, but in blood.
    “Those two would make anyone go over to the
dark side, I swear. I can’t believe your dad and I are so normal,”
she says, opening the fridge and grabbing a soda and gulping it
down like it’s a shot. “Dora, I almost forgot. Henry wants me to
tell you something about Jeff. His grandmother says he needs to
study more for his exams. He’s not prepared,” Mom says before
belching loudly.
    “He knows, Mom. We’re going to be study
buddies for the next few weeks, but I’ll tell him anyway.”
    Jeff is a guy I met the first week of school,
and we hit it off. No, not that way. He’s gay, not that you’d know
it unless you really

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