A Woman's Touch

Read Online A Woman's Touch by Jayne Ann Krentz - Free Book Online

Book: A Woman's Touch by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: Contemporary Romance
chewing on him, Kyle,“ Rebecca said seriously as she glanced up from the mail. „He
    ’s one of your best men. You owe him the courtesy of listening to his explanation.“
    Kyle looked at her. „That’s good advice,“ he said finally. „Remember it when your turn comes.“ He walked out of the office without a backward glance.
    Rebecca sat staring meditatively at her empty door. She was making progress, but the truth was there were still far too many occasions when Kyle turned into the unreadable, shadowed man she had first met two months and ten days ago. He was still very much a mystery to her in some ways even while in others he seemed to welcome the warmth and light of her love.
    On the whole things had worked out better than she had thought they would. She had been uneasy with the situation right from the start, wary of getting involved not just because Kyle was her boss but because there were so many things she didn’t know about him.
    The thing she had fretted about most, namely the reaction of co-workers, had proven to be the least of her problems. As far as Rebecca could tell, everyone seemed to be watching the relationship with a fond eye, as if they had all been involved as matchmakers. There was talk, naturally, but it was amazingly devoid of maliciousness.
    Kyle was no womanizer. He had, in fact, an amazingly pristine reputation for a man in his position and with his obvious heterosexual orientation. Rebecca had learned during the past several weeks that his employees respected that. It was probably the main reason they were so fascinated now with the relationship that had bloomed right under their noses.
    Sometimes, though, in the middle of the night when she lay awake thinking about her uncertain future, Rebecca wondered if people would be so kind if the relationship exploded in her face.
    The risk was definitely present. Rebecca was ail-too aware of the fact that Kyle had never once told her he loved her. She’d convinced herself he would eventually be able to overcome whatever darkness prevented him from being able to give himself completely. She took heart from the fact that he had changed a lot in just the ten days she’d been living with him. It was true most of their intimate conversations still revolved around business, but she was working to change that.
    She could only hope that he would someday realize the full depth of his feelings for her and admit them.
    But there was always the possibility that she was deluding herself. She knew so little about him. She’d heard rumors of a broken engagement four years earlier, and someone had hesitantly mentioned that Kyle was said to have been married at one time. But Rebecca dismissed the last rumor as pure speculation.
    That was the sum total of what Rebecca knew about Kyle’s past.
    Not much.
    Rebecca sighed and picked up her mail. The envelope on top caught her eye. Few people welcomed letters from lawyers or the tax people. Warily she slit open the envelope wondering if she’d done anything recently that could get her sued. Doubtful. If Kyle’s reputation was clean, hers could only be labeled pure to the point of dull. Getting involved with Kyle Stockbridge was the most adventurous thing she’d done in her entire life.
    So why would a lawyer be trying to contact her?
    She scanned the contents of the letter and learned two things immediately. The first was that she was not being sued. The second was that she was the sole heir of a distant relative she’d never even heard of until that moment – a certain Miss Alice Cork. The law firm handling Miss Cork’s estate wished to discuss the terms of the will with Rebecca.
    Rebecca sat dazed for a moment and then leaped to her feet and dashed out of her office.
    „Hello, Theresa. Is Kyle in?“ she asked as she breezed through the reception area of Kyle’s office.
    „He is, but he’s still dining on Mr. Harrison. Care to wait?“
    Rebecca grimaced. „I guess not. I have a weak stomach and

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