A Woman's Touch

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Book: A Woman's Touch by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: Contemporary Romance
there’s no telling what that office will look like when Kyle’s through with Rick. Would you leave a message for Kyle to call me when he’s free?“
    „Sure thing.“ Theresa eyed the letter in Rebecca’s hand. „Good news?“
    Rebecca laughed. „I don’t know yet.“
    She went back down the hall, disappointed at not being able to share the excitement with Kyle. She phoned the law firm’s office and made an appointment for later that afternoon.
    „We’re so glad to have finally located you, Miss Wade,“ the firm’s secretary murmured. „Mr. Cramwell has been looking for you for nearly three months.“
    She learned very little over the phone, but she did manage to confirm that she was the right Rebecca Wade. There had been no mistake. Rebecca hung up the phone and determined to call her Aunt Beth later that evening. Aunt Beth was the family genealogist. She might know who Alice Cork was.
    Kyle did not call all morning. By lunchtime Rebecca was practically bubbling with eagerness to tell him the amazing story. She picked up her purse and went down the hall to meet him. They had been having lunch together every day for the past ten days.
    Kyle was just emerging from his office as Rebecca walked through the door. He was frowning, clearly preoccupied.
    He glanced at her as he shrugged into his jacket. „Oh, there you are, Becky. I was just going to have Theresa give you a call. We’ll have to skip lunch today. I’ve got a meeting with Jamison at his club. I’m going to try to salvage the deal.
    See you later.“
    Rebecca blinked as he strode past her. Kyle paused long enough to drop a short, hard kiss on her mouth and then he was gone. „Good luck,“ she called after him, but she doubted if he’d heard.
    She turned back to find Theresa studying her thoughtfully. Rebecca was disconcerted by the odd look in the secretary’s eyes. „Well,“ she tried to say cheerfully, „did Rick survive?“
    „Rick’s alive and well as far as I know,“ Theresa said mildly. „But I can’t quite figure out what’s wrong with the boss.“
    „Something’s wrong with Kyle?“ Rebecca was startled.
    „Beats me. All I know is that there’s no meeting scheduled with Jamison. Not unless Mr. Stockbridge set it up by mental telepathy.“
    „Oh,“ said Rebecca. She retreated to the company cafeteria and wondered if the honeymoon was over already. Of course, she reminded herself bravely, one could hardly have a honeymoon if one wasn’t married.
    At two o’clock she took an hour off from work to meet with Alice Cork’s lawyers. When she left their offices fifty minutes later, she was feeling stunned. She was now the proud owner of a fair-size wedge of land in the Colorado mountains.
    At five o’clock Kyle finally showed up at her office door. He had his jacket slung over one shoulder and a bleak, challenging expression on his face, as if he were about to go into battle.
    „Ready?“ he asked.
    Rebecca hesitated. „I’m not sure,“ she said honestly. „You look as though you’re about to meet the sheriff at high noon out in front of the saloon. Is something wrong, Kyle?“
    „Yeah, but we’ll get it straightened out. Let’s go.“ He turned away and started down the hall.
    Rebecca seriously considered not following. The excitement of the news she had received earlier that afternoon was wearing off. Apparently she had bigger problems.
    „Becky?“ Kyle glanced back over his shoulder, scowling at her as he realized she wasn’t trailing obediently after him.
    She swallowed. „Coming, Kyle.“ She picked up her purse and closed the office door behind her.
    „I salvaged the Jamison deal this afternoon,“ were the only words he offered on the drive back to his high-rise condominium.
    „Congratulations.“ Rebecca didn’t try to break the silence that descended after that. Time enough to tell him her news later. He parked the Porsche in the garage. He still said nothing as they headed for the elevator.

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