Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness)

Read Online Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness) by Eliza March - Free Book Online

Book: Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness) by Eliza March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza March
directress, Amyra de la Santiago, emerged alongside another exceptionally large cat, her hand gripping Julian’s skinny arm like a vice. The cats quieted without any noticeable command on her part.
    “The boy’s brother and mother are safe. For now. Consider this. I can take them anytime I want. They will suffer if you two do not cooperate.” In spite of her nasty threat, her voice, like a velvet seduction, mesmerized him into compliance.
    Julian stopped struggling, and she pushed him into the circle of cats toward Kyle.
    “You will allow me to feed from you, or I will drain the boy.”
    “She will be able to enter your thoughts if she takes your blood, doctor.” Julian whispered, but she heard him anyway.
    “He’s right. Listen to the smart lad. I will be able to better share my experience with you.”
    Somehow, he doubted her ulterior motive, but what could he do considering her threat? He was a doctor not a hunter, yet something about him had changed. Anger welled up inside him, and aggression he’d never experienced before.
    Trapped. Cornered. A low growl rose in his throat. He wanted to tear through everyone and everything in sight. His eyesight was changing again, and he knew he had to bring himself back from the brink. He was ready to shift and he wasn’t sure he could control the beast within.
    Floating toward him above the jungle floor, Amyra’s movements mimicked the cat’s. Everything about her, from her coal black hair, to her pale shimmering skin, enticed.
    His aggression switched to lust, and he heard the growl rise again as she approached. What little blood remained in his miraculously healed body rushed to his groin in response to her seductive gaze. His heart would stop if his pressure dropped any lower.
    “You will be fine, doctor,” she said. Her light laugh sounded like a husky chuckle.
    He hardened in a flash. Part of him ached for her and another part of him recoiled from her gaze. Everything about her repulsed him and seduced him at the same time. He wanted to take her from behind and the urge made him want to vomit. She smelled of cardamom and cinnamon, but beneath that scent, he smelled rancid blood and the dry smell of ancient death.
    Her essence, like an evil thrall, surrounded the entire group.
    One glance into her eyes, and Kyle knew, not only could she kill the boy and his family, she would if he didn’t do her bidding. Unfortunately, he suspected the ultimate price would be his soul.
    He glanced at Julian and thought about his sweet baby brother. They were worth his soul.
    “Release the boy and you may feed from me.”
    Amyra flicked her hand in Julian’s direction. “Go. I can find you when I need you.”
    Julian hesitated then grabbed Kyle’s arms. “Doctor, do not accept her blood no matter what she threatens or promises.”
    Amyra backhanded the boy, and when Kyle reached to stop her, she held him back with one hand. “Go. You will not receive another reprieve.”
    With that, Julian glanced at Kyle for affirmation.
    He nodded and said, “Go. Be safe.” He wanted to say, “Find your father and get your family away from here.” However, the boy’s people had lived here since the dawn of time. It was Amyra who needed to be stopped, and he had to find out how.

    Chapter 8 Torture
    Once the boy left, she ran her hand over Kyle’s naked chest, tracing his faded scratches, then fiddled with a nipple. She bent in and licked each wound, healing them instantly. She lifted her beautiful face, lowered her lashes, and circled her lips with her tongue, tasting him. Her lips parted. She pressed them to his and kissed him. He refused to respond to the sharp stab when she bit him or when she sucked the pain away with her lips. He refused to respond when her tongue entered his mouth and thrust inside, dueling with his.
    Although she smelled sweet, enticing, and tasted like something he’d longed for all his life, he knew her flavor wasn’t real. Everything about

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